Monday, December 22, 2014

Call Me Mommy

As I have been writing down these Mommy Moments, I have felt very blest and strengthened! However my thoughts have also been distracted negatively, 'you have these moments but no one calls you Mommy.'  I successfully pushed away this thought most of the time, yet it was there to crawl out of the shadowy recesses of my mind when I was weak, more susceptible to  giving into negativity.

A few days ago I had a Mommy Moment that is helping, me resolve this thought, and dispel it.  I decide to go to a special church meeting with my brother's family, having the company of my three nephews.  As we were waiting for the meeting to begin I had my four year old nephew on one side and my two year old nephew on the other. We were carrying on normal conversation and little activities that come from such situations. When suddenly my two year old nephew leaned up right next to me his little arm around my back. His head tilted up toward me. I looked down at him because this was out of the ordinary. When he saw he had my attention these words reached my ears. "I love you Milla" (Milla is the name by which my nephews call me. )  I returned with" I love you"! He again leaned closer to me "I love you too"  after he said it a second time I looked into his eyes wondering why he said it again. It was almost as if he was trying to burn or make permanent the words he had spoken to me.  After those few moments of looking at each other he reached his head up purse his lips wanting to give me a kiss so I leaned down to accept it and so he could reach my cheek. He gave me a kiss. After this moment past it felt familiar like he had done almost this very same thing before. After thinking on it, I have a vague memory of a similar event with my nephew but I didn't listen that time, I did this time.

My nephew had to teach me twice, but I needed to hear and understand. I am grateful to him for his diligence. I am starting to understand the need to be called Mommy, is not important, yet it is the love a child has for me!

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