Tuesday, September 30, 2014

“Look Out Ladies”

Last year in one of my 3 year old classes I had a little boy that was one of a kind. He was always making me and the other teacher smile or even laugh by what he said. Like most little 3 year old boys when given the choice to do their favorite dancing way he took off running at full speed. The choice was given on this day and so without hesitation of he rocketed. For one reason or another all the girls were grouped together on a area of the dance floor doing twirls or skips or whatever they were doing I don’t remember anymore. This little boys was running a large circle around the room as he came to the group of girls he yelled, “Look out ladies!!!” Me and the other teach looked at each other to confirm that we truly saw what just took place. We tried our best not to laugh too loud. We could not hold back our smiles for the rest of class and told his mother about it and we all laughed together again. Still to this day when I think of this story I can not help but smile at my self or even laugh. Thinking about this story I did not think it was a Mommy Moment, however he brought me laughter and joy; that is a wonderful moment. One the funnest things about this little boy and his words is I think there they will be very true as he grows up… “Look out Ladies”

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