Monday, October 12, 2015

Neighbor's Love

I use to have some neighbors, in which I taught most of their daughter’s either as a teacher or as a sub. They were the sweetest girls and a great treasure to me to have had them so close to me. I thought I understood how much I appreciated them, yet now however I see that I didn’t know the value of the treasure I had. Not too long ago their family moved away.

Whenever I came home and they were out on their front lawn, they would always come and talk with me show me what they were doing, tell me about their day and so on. It got to the point that as I pulled into my neighborhood I found myself hoping they would be out playing so I could hear all about whatever it was they wanted to tell me.  On the occasional day the youngest girl of about 4 years would even take to watching for me to pull up and come running out to talk with me. I would always invite them to come and play with me and my toys, for as a dance teacher there are plenty of toys to be had. However the logistics never worked out, as they were moving I heard from their Mom that the youngest would always ask to come and play if she saw my car parked out front. As it is so typical with life the timing was always off and this did not take place.

These short moments are past now, yet I have the pleasant memories of these interactions. I am grateful for them for in these moments they allowed me into their lives and I could love them.

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