Friday, October 3, 2014

Forgotten Worries

Classes started last month. In my little boys class of boys between the ages of 5 and 7, they stay in my class each year until they turn 8 so I naturally have repeating boys which is a lot of fun to work with them from year to year. It was the first day of class is always new and exciting well two brothers showed up that were going to take the class together and then one of by repeat boys from last year. As he came in he was I could tell as he look around at the new boys and myself  and started to get more and more worried he came and sat by me instead of doing tag with the other boys - boys play tag to get there school jitters out before class and while we are waiting for the others to come. I tried to help him be excited about tag or anything really.  As I talked to him his countenance fell more and more. Pretty soon he was full on crying; hands over face just weeping. Crying takes place in my 3 and 4 year old classes, yet I was not prepared for this boy to start. I became concerned not knowing what to do or say. I needed to find out the purpose of the tears so I started to talk to him, so I might better understand. I learned that he thought he was not good enough to move on and have a different teacher. I quickly started to explain to him that you  stay in my class to the age of 8 and that he was not the only one to stay in this class I told him of the other boy that was in the class last year.  I could tell that this was helping but still something was bothering him or the same thing.  I asked him again what was wrong and he told me that he forgotten how to dance over the summer. I assured him that he had not but he would not hear of it and then one of those moments when the heavens opened and inspiration came to me. These are simple and wonderful moments when I am able to help a child in this case bring him comfort to his worried heart.  I started listing things off to him in the form of questions. “Do you remember how to run?” looking at me with of course eyes he said, “Yes!”. I continued,
“Do you remember how to jump?”
“Do you remember how to walk?”
“Do you remember how to spin?”
“Do you remember how to roll?”
“Do you remember how to gallop?”
“Do you remember how to take turns with your knees in a skip?”
“YES!” Each yes he became brighter and happier.
“See, you remember how to dance!”

At the end of this conversation two boys from his class had shown up so he hopped up and joined them in the game of tag. He was so worried that he was not good enough dancer that it brought him to tears and gave me the chance to have a moment in which I could better understand him and feel God’s love for him. I was able to feel it and hopefully pass it on to him.

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