Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Thou Shalt Not Jump

I was at my friends house the other day and they were getting their little boy ready for bed. He was in his PJs quietly looking through his books we were all busy doing something for a moment or two and then we heard a variation on these words come from this little boy, "Jesus said no jumping." A little confusion followed as us adults try to figured out what he just said, and why? It was super cute but way off...

It was my friend that was able to make this connection for us. Earlier on in the day they had been reading bible story about Jesus being tempted to jump off the building, along with His other two temptations, from Satan, and Jesus said no. Nothing more took place on that topic has far as she knew. Until he made his statement at that moment. We all had a little chuckle over it yet the moment past and it was forgotten. We all moved on with other conversation and then with our lives. Until it was many days later and I was traveling home with my family for Thanksgiving and something in the conversation reminded me about this little funny story that took place with my friend's son.  I shared it with them and we all laughed. I started talking about it and as I was thinking out loud about this event I was taught.

This smart little two year old boy had heard a story about Jesus and with the very best reasoning that is given to a developing child at his age he pondered on it until he came up with a conclusion about what the message of the story he had heard.  He was learning from the teaching of Jesus the best he could. We smile at it and move on but what a lesson he taught me about doing the best with where we are at the time. That is what this life is all about anyway. We take the knowledge that we manage to retain through our daily lives’ and we make decisions or conclusions about them. Building upon our understanding and knowledge of the world around us as well as our spirituality.

In many cases when finding my Mommy Moments I need to put in the effort to think about a child and the situation. To really learn from the child.

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