Monday, March 30, 2015

They Say…

Children say things that are simply so cute that they must be shared, here are a few for your enjoyment. They do not contain a lesson or even a profound thought attached to them, these stories simply bring a smile to the face and lighten the heart.

Polka Dots
Sitting around our Learning Mat in one of my dance classes. I had a tap on my arm I look over at her and she said, “Miss Camilla I like your polka dots.” I thanked her out of reflects but then looked around me; I was not wearing anything with polka dots or did I bring anything with polka dots. I was about to ask her what she meant, when she touched my arm and point out my freckled covered arm, “These ones”! In my whole like I never thought of my freckles as polka dots.

Excuse Me
As a teacher assistant  it is my job to dance and demonstrate the moves correctly so the children can learn through example and the teacher can focus on how the class is progressing. Doing this I must be very aware so as not to crash into any of them. The children are still learning their own spacial awareness so naturally there are little bumps. With a quick sorry class does not miss a beat. This one time I had a near miss with a little girl and she declared in great surprise, “oh excuse me”.  She was so grown up and proper about it I had to chuckle and she repeated herself any time she got in another dancers way. Afterward she just kept dancing as though there was nothing out of the ordinary about a little 3 year old girl excusing herself when she was in another's way.

Smarty Pants
This final one took place when I was teaching in the BYU-Idaho’s preschool labs. (I have wanted to share this but couldn’t figure out how it was a Mommy Moment.) We were sitting down for circle time where mini lessons are taught. Another teacher was giving the lesson of the day and she told these children that she was going to ask them something hard so their better have their ‘Smarty Pants’ on. This little boy cried out in pure delight as he patten his own pants, “Smarty Pants!” He then proceeded to laugh his head off, like it was the funniest thing he had ever heard. For me and the other teacher it was something we would joke about the rest of the year.

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