Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Golden Egg

Last year for Easter I was with my nephews for their Easter Egg Hunt, along with my parents and siblings. They started a new tradition in their family that my sister-in-law grew up with so I was unaware of it. We were simply told that if we found ‘The Golden Egg’ we were to stop the hunt and gather together for a moment. The hunt began and after sometime the hunt was paused as we all gathered together around the golden egg. My sister-in-law then sat in front of her three boys and had the oldest open it up and show what was inside. There was nothing inside and this worried him. His mother went on to explain that this egg is like that of the tomb that Jesus Christ was buried in and on the third day He was no longer there. That he had risen and because of that we all can live with our Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ and our families again. Because it was Empty!

It was a very short little lesson but after that my oldest nephew reverently closed the egg back up and respectfully gave it back to the finder of the egg, another aunt, with one more glance the moment was gone and it was back the the fun of the hunt.
This child perhaps did not grasp the whole meaning of what his mother said or maybe he did regardless he felt the spirit and understood something -if only children could tell us- and through his example my own testimony of Easter was strengthened. That Jesus Christ my (and your) Savior died for us and then on the third day rose again and reaches out to me (and you) we simply need reach out to Him.

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