Monday, October 19, 2015

Purposeful Purse Prevails

My purse is  more than holding my money, ID and any other personal needs that could arise, like headache medicine, fingernail clippers etc. It’s  purpose is to help me fulfill my goal of being a Moment Mommy. It’s good to have a few items in my purse so at a moments’ notice I can step into action. These items consist of  cute bandaids for both little girls and little boys (ex. Pixie Hollow fairies and Star Wars characters), finger puppets and last but not least my doodle cards and white board markers. The bandaids as I am sure you can guess are for those painful bumps and cuts as well as the imaginary ones that need a little loving, that only Queen Elsa or Lighting McQueen can do. The finger puppets and doodle cards are a quiet distraction of boredom, misbehavior or just to break the ice so the children and parent(s) know I am okay to share a few moments with them or their child. There are many examples of this. Over the last year or so that I have  started doing this.

Everything from attending my sister’s graduation I sat near a woman watching her husband graduate with their child. The child was good for most of it and then boredom struck and the child was done with the whole affair. I just so happen to be sitting close to her and handed her the finger puppets and this allow the child more quiet entertainment and also open the door to him to come and play with me. Another time in a meeting with other dance teachers the children were tired of their toys and the great length of our adults’ conversations. I was able to invite a few of the children to come and draw on my doodle cards with whiteboard markers. This also prolonged their entertainment in the situation. Yet, another example I was standing in a long line to return an item at a store and the woman behind me had two small children that had shopped till they resorted to tantrum throwing. I pulled out the doodle cards and markers and within moments all was quiet and mother and children were happy again.  There are several more examples of these tiny moments in which  I have been able to  help a child or a mother. These moments lift my spirits because I was able to help a child even in the smallest of ways.

This purse is also well known by my nephews. I feel there is a bit of a competition between our popularity with my nephews, between me and my purse. I am proud to say I come out on top almost every time. They love looking through it to play with my finger puppets or doodle cards, that I change to provide variety for them. I have two old apple products with fun children’s apps on each, which they fondly called “Blue Phone” and “Black Phone” (the colors of their cases). These are not always in there as I like to encourage other sources of entertainment for them as a priority as well as keeping them all charged and ready to go is quite a trick. Unless I am planning ahead of time.  

My purse is a bit on the heavier side because of some of these items but not enough for me to bother with or think that I am crazy. Quite the opposite with these items in my purse it helps me be on the lookout for children or mothers that could use a smile or a moment of friendship.  

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