Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Dizzy with Joy

At end of the year party for my boy’s dance classes the families were invited naturally there were children of all ages and sizes zooming around the room like fruit flies during harvest. The excitement in the room was tangible everyone was happy and celebrating another successful year of dance as well as all the candy and treats, of course. I am not quite sure how it happened it might have been the fact that there was a little girl dancing, I most likely walked up to her and started dancing along side her. If you ever want an ice breaking tip for small children there you go. Anyway it began. We started sliding in circles and the small children just started trickling in. Our circle got larger and larger. They were laughing and enjoying themselves thoroughly as was I. A child’s smile is one of the happiest things I know and a laughter is just the icing on the cake. The original girl fell down and to keep the experience fun and enjoyable - besides the fact that I was getting quite dizzy - we all fell down! We played this way for several minutes -side in circles and then all fall down. I am sure they could have gone on forever but I was simply too dizzy.

Why is this a Mommy Moment? For me to have a child or children come to me and know that I am a safe person to be with and to have a good time with. As well as the parents trusting me with their child are truly moments to hold on to and be grateful for.  - Thanks!

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