Friday, May 30, 2014

Calling Role

In my ballet classes I have each child do the same simple movement for the phrase “I am here”, - as I call their name - so three counts movement to get their bodies and brains thinking ballet. In this particular class  I have had to give little more tough love to help the girls learn the discipline they needed to listen to directions.  Laying the law down is not my favorite part of the teaching children process but I am sure you all know children want to find those boundaries of any given adult or situation to see how far they can go, having boundaries helps them feel save in their environment much like having the railing at the side of a vista point helps us feel like us and our families will be save if we stay on this side of the railing. In helping these children there were a few more bumps then I would have like in coming to at foundational place were good learning can take place.  So imagine how I felt when one of my dancers after a hard week of understanding what was expected of them; for her to come back the next class and did her three beat movement to the words, “I Love YOU!” jumping into the air with enthusiasm on the last word.   

Children are so quick to forgive, forget and show forth more love.

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