Friday, August 29, 2014

Little Knight Out

On a certain Friday night. I went on a little date with a little knight. I picked him up after work. We shared a “Happy Meal” and let our inner child out by playing in a magical place of plastic. He impressed me with his agility by climbing up a course, strength by swinging on poles and critical thinking as he figured out how to operate a magical keyboard. From there we went over to my friends house and my little knight saved the day by helping me wash my car. Soaking the whole thing and managed to get soaked as well. Yet he didn’t stop there the evening could not be complete if he were the only one soaked so he shared the wealth with me and my friend.  He was super sweet the whole evening holding my hand and with a mighty effort tried to open the door for me, showing me that indeed chivalry is not dead; just in practice. We drove off into the sunset and I got him home just a little past his curfew.

Taking the time to have one on one time with my nephew was a blast and very worth it. I need to do this more and with my other nephews. It helps me get to know just him and how he interact with me by himself without his brothers. So here is a challenge to you and me: find a child to have an adventure with weather its a princess in a castle or a knight showing off his might. You just might have some fun too!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Words Fail...Hug!

Through my time teaching there is one little girl that I have worked with through many different interactions. She has developmental challenges, she was born with. The details of which I don't know. I simply understood that she needed extra help. I and the other teachers that worked with her had to help her constantly with the most basic of instructions, sit, stand, be still and so on. Working with her was a lot of hard work and patience on everyone's part, not excluding the dancer’s work as well. She would wander off in the middle of just about anything we would be doing in class in her own little world. The best way to bring her back to what the class was doing would be to allow her to complete what ever task she had in mind to do. For example touching a spot on the wall or floor. Once complete she would willingly follow you back to the class. I tried to always be loving and patient with her and help her learn what she could. After that year of working with her she moved on to other classes. Now and then I would sub for her class and then one year I taught the class before her’s. Every time I saw her she would get so excited to see me she would wave her arms around and make happy noises with a large bright smile on her face. I would give her a hug. In fact it became one of her missions to give me a hug almost each week before she would participate in her own class.  There was so much love in those hugs, the best way she knew how to communicate. Whenever I see her and she recognizes me I get one of those hugs. They make my day and I look forward to them.

She seemed to learn a little more dance after teaching her that first year and I am sure the other teachers could say the same in the following years. She learned to love to dance which in the end is one gift I truly wish to give any child willing to receive it no matter how good they become. However I feel as though I have learn and been given more from her. That being able to see her example of love and goodness to another soul and being a recipient of it.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Blue Eyes to Hold the World

This summer my nephews took swimming lessons, the two older boys had lessons at the same time and their Mom need to be with the one year old.  Leaving me to watch the baby for the half hour the lesson took.  During these times it may have appeared that I was having a one sided conversation with a baby, my youngest nephew.  If I was lucky I could get a chooo out of him, most of the time however it was simply his big eyes taking in as much of the world around him as he could manage.  This seems to be the truth of many infants. They don’t have much to say or rather they can’t say anything but if they did, oh the things they could teach us. They see and listen to all around them. His big blue eyes trying to see it all not satisfied with laying down in one spot but having me walk around holding him upright for the purpose of better seeing. Learning all he could through his eyes. If only I could see what it was that he was seeing then I too could hold the whole world in my eyes.