Monday, August 11, 2014

Blue Eyes to Hold the World

This summer my nephews took swimming lessons, the two older boys had lessons at the same time and their Mom need to be with the one year old.  Leaving me to watch the baby for the half hour the lesson took.  During these times it may have appeared that I was having a one sided conversation with a baby, my youngest nephew.  If I was lucky I could get a chooo out of him, most of the time however it was simply his big eyes taking in as much of the world around him as he could manage.  This seems to be the truth of many infants. They don’t have much to say or rather they can’t say anything but if they did, oh the things they could teach us. They see and listen to all around them. His big blue eyes trying to see it all not satisfied with laying down in one spot but having me walk around holding him upright for the purpose of better seeing. Learning all he could through his eyes. If only I could see what it was that he was seeing then I too could hold the whole world in my eyes.

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