Friday, September 12, 2014

Ouch Kisses!

My nephews enjoy kisses when they get hurt. At times even a blown kiss would help them with their minor bumps and scrapes.  After a fall, or some other such mishaps, they would look to one of the adults in the room and one of us would go and give a kiss or blow one depending on the circumstances. 95% of the time they would bounce back up and keep playing. On this one occasion I was playing on the floor with my second nephew he suddenly stopped what he was doing and said “Ouch!” and pointed to his knee. I kissed it better and looked to him for confirmation that all was better now. I did not see what had caused the pain yet kisses are cheap and I was willing to give him one for his comfort. Upon my inspection his little eyes did not show his usual assurance instead he pointed to his other knee saying “Ouch”, I kissed the other knee at which point he pointed to his elbow saying “Ouch”, again, once again I kissed where he pointed. He continued pointing to almost every part of his body saying “Ouch”, followed by a kiss from me. We repeated this until he was done. Having completed what he needed he went on playing as before. I am not exactly sure what was taking place in this sweet little boys head, yet if I had to guess I would say that at that moment for some  reason or another he needed more reassurance of me or from me that I loved him or maybe he just need that affectionate physical touch. That we all needed at times, even as adults.  

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