Monday, September 8, 2014

Time Stands Still

There was a short time a few years back that I was running a small family preschool/daycare. In a small family business so moms could do a little work to supplement their income. I would watch and teach their children for a few hours. A child of any age was welcome. I truly enjoyed this time with this family and their children. There was a baby in the preschool with me and she was getting very tired, I knew it was time to see if she would go down for a nap. Having settled the other children down, they did not need my full attention I turn to this baby wrapping her in her blanket with her pacifier. I started to rocker her while walking through the room after some time she had indeed fallen asleep.  The other children were quietly playing together and as I looked down as the small child in my arms time stood still and feelings of peace and joy coming to me. My thoughts began to turn to my future and I realized that this was a moment that I would love to have with my own future family. One of those idyllic moments when all is well, a heaven on earth moment. At the time how ever I did not recognize it for what it was, I merely saw it as a sad thing that this was not really my own family around me. A sadness and questions about why it was that I was still single, when I had all the right desires. To say the least it was a bittersweet moment, yet for a long time I focused only on the bitter.

Looking back on it now I understand the purpose to this moment, much better. This was one of my earliest Mommy Moments.  A gift from my Father in Heaven to experience one of those powerful joy filled fleeting moments I guess other mothers feel at times. Moments when you are rewarded as a mother for all the hard work that you put into the raising of children all feels perfect - complete and happy - even able to glimpse the eternities and the promised blessings for just a moment.  Then all goes back to normal, yet we must hold on to those fleeting moments and treasure them in our hearts and ponder on them. Like that of Mary of old, in the Bible,”But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart” Luke 2:19.

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