Thursday, February 12, 2015

Single Awareness Day... No Longer

Being single has it’s challenges like any other phase of life. I know of the feelings of loneliness and temptation to go into yourself, and shutting out others. To feel some how turning a blind eye to the fact that there is love all around, because we have not yet found the love we want to find. We must look and see it, accepting the quest of changing “Single Awareness Day” to valentine's day in the month of Feb  and everyday. By opening our eyes and hearts to  seeing that we do indeed have love around us waiting to be felt.  

Over the last 5 years of teaching children I have learned much, from them about Valentine's Day. Children get excited about buying that box of Valentines, or they cut out hearts and give them to each other and anyone else that are in their lives. I have been blessed by many of these cute cards hand crafted or otherwise. We talk together about love and how we know when someone loves us and followed by how we show another we love them. Through my many conversations, with these precious children I began to better see those in my life, show me they love me and I them. The more my eyes were open to these things the less lonely I felt. I now celebrate this day of love and how grand it feels to know that I am being loved by those around me.

This is not to say I don’t ever feel lonely anymore. It’s simply less often and I have a tool for finding happiness in the love I do have now.

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