Thursday, June 5, 2014

Jitter Bugs

Working with 3 and 4 year old children is quite the adventure, yet know matter how much  they learn and grow over the year it is always a surprise what will happen on the day of the recital. Overcoming Jitter Bugs are a big part of a child having a successful dance experience.

One particular 3 year girl worked so hard to be brave  through the whole class of 45 mins, without her mother. By the end of the year she was able to leave her mom and happily dance for the whole class. She showed no sign of fear or worry during our spacing rehearsal and I did not give her much thought. Not until the recital day itself that is, she enter the warm up room with all the other children most of whom she didn't know but she found some of her classmates  and all seemed to be well. Until she started to cry. I try to give her hugs and tell her that she would be alright that we would be going into the room with her mother very soon and she would watch her and loved her. Nothing I said consoled her I was getting worried that she would not have a pleasant experience with this whole recital experience that and that I would have to go and find her mother. I took her to go get a drink and when we came back she agreed that she could finish the warm up if I did it with her and held her hand I did so and has we did the movements together she soon forgot her fears and slowly no longer needed my hand to hold and became her happy fun self again.  She was able to participate with her class and did a wonderful job. She had a positive and successful experience with her recital which is so important for children.

How was this a Mommy Moment for me? Well in truth it was a collection of Mommy Moments has I help this child that struggled more than most to overcome fear and learn and grow with the rest of her class. I was and am so proud of her for overcoming this trial in her life and having success in that.

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