Monday, June 2, 2014

Cutest Pillow

Just finished running a dress rehearsal with a lot of children as well as being in charge for the first time;  I was drain physically as well as emotionally. The rehearsal went well and I had no complaints I was simply exhausted. However my night was far from over I was going to watch my nephews. I really had no idea how exhausted I would be upon agreeing nor did I know immediately after my rehearsal. At the time I only had two little nephews the oldest was 2 and youngest was some amount of months. After some time I put the younger of the boys to bed and not feeling up to our normal outside play or dance lesson I put on a movie. It was probably one of the clues to my nephew that Aunty was not her usual self. I got the movie playing and sat on the couch he came and joined me sitting so still next to me this was not normal but I was pleased I did have the energy to convince him that Aunty was exhausted. What took place next I will never forget and will cherish the rest of my life. My perceptive nephew, with his legs stretch out in front of him patted his lap, feet not even close to the edge of the couch and said, “Pillow? Pillow?”  I understood he recognized I was not my self; super tired and in his way he wanted to serve and help me, show me his love! At 2 years of age I knew his attention span would not last long so I put my head carefully on his lap and he then proceeded to stroked my hair with is gentle little fingers. I stayed down there maybe 30 seconds and sat up again. Thinking he would want to jump off the couch at any moment and play with his toys. I was so wrong.  He looked up at me and patted his lap again and said, “More pillow? More pillow?”  Once more I put my head down and he proceeded again to stroked my hair but this time I didn't get up until he wiggled out from under my head maybe two or three minutes later. At which point he quietly alternated between playing and watching the movie, until his bed time. Tears come to my eyes even now as I think of his self sacrificing act of love for me. In his pure and simple little way. Where he came up with the idea I have know idea most likely watching the great examples of his parents. Children are truly perceptive and loving how much we can all learn from their examples.   

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