Friday, November 7, 2014

Skipping Angel

As I was writing my latest post I remember an incident about a year ago that supported the topic of allowing children to lead and blessings that can come from that. It was the start of a new year, last year and one little girl was having a hard time finding the courage to participate fully in class. I remember trying many different things to help this child but she mainly just stood there week after week. My assistant and I would have her halfheartedly doing things by the end of each class so we knew it could be done. Then one week the idea came to me to not have me or my assistant go skipping with her but a child. I picked a girl to go with her but it didn’t work very well the shy child just kept walking thereby slowing down my little helper, after a short time she would just let go and the shy girl would again just stand there. I don’t remember if it was this started the same day. If I asked her or if another little girl in class saw the need I was trying to fill, but this little girl came up and took the shy girls hand and started skipping. One skipping and one walking, but my little leader did not give up. For the next couple weeks this little leader would see her standing the shy girl not dancing and go and take her hand and dance with her. More and more this shy child opened up and after fewer weeks than my assistant and I tryed, this girl was brave and dancing on her own and now had a good friend.

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