Monday, January 19, 2015

Me & My Brain

Teaching seven different dance classes, helping out in four more, along with taking my own classes, fulfilling another job being an aunt and friend. Like you; I think it is safe to say life gets crazy at the very  least. It is truly a miracle that I am able to keep track of each schedule and know what needs to get done when and for what responsibility.  I can only imagine what it would be like to keep track a whole families schedule. I feel then that this would be applicable in this blog to say that ‘Me & My Brain’ are great friends with the understanding that even in the best of friendships there are disagreements and that things are not always done or taken care of in the best manner.  I have these moments where I simply become at odds with my brain and things are forgotten or brought to pass incorrectly.  Fortunately for me those I work with and surround myself with are forgiving and understanding. If the same is true with you then maybe you will relate to the following story.

In one of  my ballet classes I want to introduce more of the foot positions to further their education. (Now you must understand that I have been in ballet sense about the age of 12 so I have been around this for sometime I have done it over and over, through college, and even recently in adult classes I have taken to keep up with my fitness etc.) I went through the remaining foot positions with my dancers and repeated it many times so they would remember it. We were working in these new position for about four classes, when on my own I just so happen to be going through my ballet book and saw the foot positions and their corresponding names under the images . I just happened to glance at this page and stopped and turned back to it.  The horror struck me all at once as I realize I have infact somehow switched the names of a couple of foot positions and thereby teaching these young dancers all wrong! The embarrassment was strong and I wanted to simply disappear, however grateful at the same time that  I had realized my error before they moved out of my influence and discovered for themselves that they had learned incorrectly.  

I therefore got to teach the following week that adults, teachers and even parents make mistakes.  It was a humbling experience to have to admit to these children what I had done. For there was no other way around it, despite my efforts in finding a way.  The children were amazing and as I have shared in the past very forgiving and I am happy to report all is well and corrected in the ballet foot positions. And well my relationship with Me & My Brain are as they ever were we work together great but now and then a mishap takes place and I get to swallow my pride and move forward.  

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