Thursday, January 22, 2015

Wee Editor

Frequently I get to participate in my brother and sister-in-laws family scripture study.  Being part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints we study the scriptures found in the Book of Mormon as well as the Bible, this night we were in the Book of Mormon. With this family of three small boys scripture reading is quite an adventure. The main points covered each night during their study are first read 10 verses those old enough to speak participate. The two older boys each ‘read’ or repeat what their mom or dad tells them too, feeding them a couple words at time.  These dictated verses are the shorts out of the allotted ten the family will read that night. When there are others over like myself I get to read a verses or two as well.  So, times it is quite the little battle to have the two older boys repeat the words of their verses and sometimes there is nothing to complain about well the night that became a mommy moment for me was one that took place quite smoothly.  They were reading in the 18th book of Alma. The great teaching of the missionary Ammon, we were coming to the part where the King of the land accepted what he was being taught and being overcome with the spirit of the Lord he went unconscious verse 42 was my 2 year old nephews turn to read. His verse was this, “And now, when he had said this, he fell unto the earth, as if he were dead.” He said the words that were given him, forming them in to the cutest versions of themselves, in a way that only  a two year old can pull off. While doing this we was fingering a toy in his lap. So it did not seem he was giving much thought to what it was he was saying. Until the last word the word was given to him, still focusing on his toy in his lap he stops and does not say the last word, it is given to him again and still he says nothing. Once more it is repeated to him. This time he says “not dead”. Still looking at the toy in his lap. Thinking he misheard the correct word was given him again ‘dead’, and again he said, “not dead”. After this we understood what was going on with the best reasoning given to a child of two he knew being dead was not good and so this King or more likely anyone could not be dead. Thereby he changed it to fit his interpretation of the situation better.

This whole event was super cute and all that were there laughed about it for a bit. In addition I was super impressed with the fact that this seemingly distracted child was indeed listening and trying to understand the best he could the scriptures. To all moms out there that are are trying to study scriptures with their small children or even the big ones, or just trying to teach your children something good, they are picking up and understanding more then they are letting on.

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