Wednesday, February 18, 2015

12 Daddies’ Princesses

The weekend before Valentine's I was asked to teach a few basic social dance steps at a Father Daughters Dance. I have taught a workshop for ballroom dance in college, once upon a time. I figured I could remember enough to teach them, so I agreed. I am so grateful that I did! The girls were all between the ages of 8 and 11 years. Once they arrived and I assessed the situation I concluded that this was going to be unlike any other teaching experience I have had up to this point and I was right.

I had them get into closed dancing positions and right off I had to make adjustments, these girls were not going to be able to reach their dad’s shoulders. I thought I had prepared but here already I was thrown - they put there hands on their dad’s elbows. I then went on to teach the very basics of waltz. I was inspired to describe the waltz as the princess dance that most Disney princesses do with their prince, at the end of the movies. Their eyes lit up. We also went over a few steps of Cha Cha. Sure they were far from perfect but what I saw that night touched my soul. These girls came in with their dads and there before my eye transformed into the princesses they were dancing like.

This took place as their dad with gentle love directed their girls through the steps I taught them to the best of their abilities. It also brought back memories of dancing with my own Dad, and how I felt like I too  transformed into a princess while dancing with him. This night I learned or relearned that dads have the power to change their daughters into real princesses, not just through dance but by the way they treat their daughters. I am sure that moms get to take pride in many of  these tender moments as I did this night.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Single Awareness Day... No Longer

Being single has it’s challenges like any other phase of life. I know of the feelings of loneliness and temptation to go into yourself, and shutting out others. To feel some how turning a blind eye to the fact that there is love all around, because we have not yet found the love we want to find. We must look and see it, accepting the quest of changing “Single Awareness Day” to valentine's day in the month of Feb  and everyday. By opening our eyes and hearts to  seeing that we do indeed have love around us waiting to be felt.  

Over the last 5 years of teaching children I have learned much, from them about Valentine's Day. Children get excited about buying that box of Valentines, or they cut out hearts and give them to each other and anyone else that are in their lives. I have been blessed by many of these cute cards hand crafted or otherwise. We talk together about love and how we know when someone loves us and followed by how we show another we love them. Through my many conversations, with these precious children I began to better see those in my life, show me they love me and I them. The more my eyes were open to these things the less lonely I felt. I now celebrate this day of love and how grand it feels to know that I am being loved by those around me.

This is not to say I don’t ever feel lonely anymore. It’s simply less often and I have a tool for finding happiness in the love I do have now.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Knock on the Door

Over the summer I was doing a little Nannying for a family in need. This family lived in a fun little neighborhood. I in fact knew many of the children I would see in the yards playing. I had taught them or one of their siblings at some point. I was sure to stop and talk to them or at least say hi when ever I saw them. Well, one day while Nannying there was a knock on the door this was not uncommon I figured it was a child or two  that was wanting to play with the children I was watching. With the baby in my arms I went to the door and answered it. To my surprise it was one of my students from my boy’s class over the last year. I assume he saw my car in his neighbor's driveway and came by and wanted to talk to me. The children I was watch went outside to play so we shared a few moments together talking. I don’t remember our conversation we had. I am sure it was one of simple loving friendship. This boy of 8 years brought me such joy by his actions of leaving what ever it was he was playing to come and say hi to me. I also realized in this moment that my efforts and love I put into teaching has it’s benefits like in this moment it is all worth it.

Monday, February 2, 2015

A Step to Initiation

This past fall my sister-in-law and I decided to go to my parents for a visit with her three boys. It was a fun trip and our time there was wonderful, we grew closer together as sisters. Part of our journey to and from my parents house there is a road the over the years has gain a reputation, we call it the Winedy Twisty road. Car sickness is not uncommon for most people, I myself have troubles with it from time to time. Well, has we set off to travel back to Utah a 12 hour drive I sat between the two older boys 4 and 2 years of age. We started down this road and both these boys stomachs rebelled. Up came their once yummy breakfast. The nature of this road is that the driver can not stop it is too narrow  and dangerous so I got to hold bags to prevent further mess and then comfort and clean up after these two boys. While remaining well my self. I was able to step into the right attitude and help these boys beyond my normal ability.   

I feel therefore that I have completed a step in my initiation of my mommy moments. I had the great honor of cleaning up not one but after two car sick boys. Once out of this area we stopped at a gas station and finished helping these boys. Thinking back on it a smile comes to my face if not a little crooked. I was able to help these boys when they needed someone and I was able to rise to the occasion.