Friday, April 17, 2015

What my Copy Cat Taught Me

We were all sitting around my friend’s kitchen bar with her little boy. Something was said and I laughed really hard just before this moment ended this little boy put his hand over his heart throwing his head back and laughing with exaggerated effort. This made me laugh more and then I realized that I too had my hand pressed to my heart as well. I continued laughing at how cute he was being, I then look over at my friend she was not doing the same as the two of us. She confirmed that he was indeed copying me and the way I laughed. I had no idea that I did this. He kept it up for a few more minutes seeing the reaction we gave him. He was very proud of himself and really so was I. I learned something about myself, that I had not realized. I suppose it takes a little copy cat child at times to really take a look at your self. Also helps me realize once again how much children are watching and learning from us, and that I better be living a life I want copied. Since this night I find how often I laugh this way.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Seeds of Such Potential

This past weekend was General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and all others that want to hear, where we a global church get to hear the world from the mouth of prophets in our day! This is broadcasted in many different ways and languages so anyone that wishes can be a part.  I spent one of the days with my brother’s family, my three little nephews. Most of the time the boys played while the adults listen, which is to be expected at such a young age they don’t have the attention span for four hours of messages.

For a little while my oldest nephew came and snuggled up next to me on the couch and after seeing me take down some notes asked me what I was doing. I explained to him that when I heard words that touched my heart I wrote them down. This satisfied him and he settled back down next to me for the next few moments. I then wrote something down and he wanted to know what I wrote so I read it to him. He followed my response by asking what that meant. I explained the principle the best I could so he might understand. Then once again settled in next to me. A moment or two later he said something to the effect of, “ He said love; write it down.” So I did, for his four year old mind there are so many words he has no idea what they are so for him to pick out a word he understood is so amazing. He continued listening and picked out a couple more words like repentance, this time wanting to know what it meant, along with a few others. I turned to him and each time explained the best way I could that he might find some understanding, at some level. I did not get too much out of the message that was intended at the time but simply what was being taught to me by  my nephew, his willingness to learn and record what he was learning.

Children are always surprising in their ability to pick up on things and really just their desire to learn what they can. They are so full of potential to grow into something amazing if we guide them on their way, like that of a small seed that will grown in to a great plant. If we open our hearts we can learn from their learning as well.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Golden Egg

Last year for Easter I was with my nephews for their Easter Egg Hunt, along with my parents and siblings. They started a new tradition in their family that my sister-in-law grew up with so I was unaware of it. We were simply told that if we found ‘The Golden Egg’ we were to stop the hunt and gather together for a moment. The hunt began and after sometime the hunt was paused as we all gathered together around the golden egg. My sister-in-law then sat in front of her three boys and had the oldest open it up and show what was inside. There was nothing inside and this worried him. His mother went on to explain that this egg is like that of the tomb that Jesus Christ was buried in and on the third day He was no longer there. That he had risen and because of that we all can live with our Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ and our families again. Because it was Empty!

It was a very short little lesson but after that my oldest nephew reverently closed the egg back up and respectfully gave it back to the finder of the egg, another aunt, with one more glance the moment was gone and it was back the the fun of the hunt.
This child perhaps did not grasp the whole meaning of what his mother said or maybe he did regardless he felt the spirit and understood something -if only children could tell us- and through his example my own testimony of Easter was strengthened. That Jesus Christ my (and your) Savior died for us and then on the third day rose again and reaches out to me (and you) we simply need reach out to Him.