Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Mishap’s Creation

On this particular day I was working as a teacher's assistant, when you have a class of 13 or 14 students the ages of 3 or 4 years, you need another pair of hands. On this day was proof of this, if not a more extreme example.  As normal it started out as a normal day. There was a little boy in this class, running around with great speed when he suddenly crashed into a little girl. Whenever there is a crash there is a moment where both we teachers hold our breath to see what the outcome will be so we could react appropriately and not make it worse by worrying the children involved. In this case there was blood and quite a bit of it! Knowing my role and that all those little girls would not react well to the blood.  I scooped this little boy up into my arms, taking him to the restroom. The injury was not bad just a bloody nose, with a lot of blood. I cleaned him up and calmed him down hugging and comforting him. His mother was off for a quick trip to get chores done without her child. I was greatly blessed to have this chance to comfort him and he taught me well how to comfort him. I am grateful to be able to comfort a child in need and thereby receive his or her love back in return. After that day this little boy and I had a special bond.  There are times in every ones lives when something we really rather not happen takes place and out of it comes great blessings. 

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