Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween Déjà vu

The following are two different events with different sets of people involved. One took place about two years ago and the other a few days ago. Neither one is more important I put them together only because they are so similar and I wish not to bore you with too much repetition. I naturally will have more memory of the more recent event however the feelings I have of both are still as strong as ever. They are so similar that experiencing the  more recent one I felt like a Dashvue, with my memories of the past one.

In both cases I was asked to babysit and then almost as an after thought was invited to, if I was so inclined, to take the boys to the church Trucker Treat, that would be taking place the same evening. I quickly agreed excited at the chance to participate in a normal family church setting and in the role of guardian to small children, that I love so dearly, my nephews. In both cases the two families had moved into their ward within the last few months. Adding to the experience in that the children could have been mine as far as the others there were concerned. Another funny thing that I did not realize till I was thinking about it I dressed up as the same thing both times as well. Probably because I could move easily and work with children, if I dress up in my Indian clothes and bangles.

Showing up at my friend's house a couple days ago, I was met with a cute little Curious George, Monkey. I was pointed the direction to walk and we were off on our adventure stopping to jump in every pile of leaves.

Upon arriving and my nephews home, I was greeted by a little train engineer and his little baby brother in some sort of cute costume I now don’t remember. We also walked to the location of the Trunk Or Treat event. This time pushing a stroller. The Engineer running along side driving his cardboard train.

Arriving and mingling with the church members having pizza on the front lawn. The friendly church members came to get to know me and where I lived etc. I had to explain that I was the babysitter/aunty. Others knew I was coming all in all I loved being able to talk to other moms like an equal.

Walking into the church building we were greeted by many happy excited children and their families. I remember sharing words with others there and introducing myself the same. I was just truly loving being around all the families and seeing my nephews running around with the other children.

Little Curious George was shy at first but soon got the idea for going from trunk to trunk and get to pick a piece of candy and go to the next. It was a nice and warm. He was sure to ride each and every trick that was parked in the front lawn. Also for this event many of the children that I have taught dance too were in attendance so I knew more there then I thought I would, which was enjoyable.

After playing little games we went to the parking lot and taught the concept of saying trick or treat and getting a piece of candy, followed by a thank you and going to the next car. He pick up on it pretty quick as well but it was cooler so we were done much sooner.

Being given the invite from my family and dear friends and then welcomed by the church members, was truly a TREAT for me and I will remember both these evening fondly and gratefully!

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