Monday, October 27, 2014

Failed. Then Learned.

I mainly teach the younger children but a few weeks ago I was asked to sub for an older class. The teenagers. I was a bit nervous about this and excited to get the experience. I looked through the resources I had and talked to a few others teachers. I was as prepared as I could be so all that was left was the execution of my preparations. I showed up and the first three fourths of the class went really well, for the creative portion my idea/plans failed. They were good sports about what I was asking them to do however I could tell they were not being challenged and learning what they would like. I was open with them and let them know that I had not had very much practice teaching their age. They were kind and we talked about what we could do with I had to give them the learning experience they wanted. They could have taken advantage of me but they did not they taught me and what started out as a failure turned into a great learning experience for me.

I am learning that I need to prepare and try my hardest yet be ready to learn and grown at any time especially when my pride has been hurt a bit, when I’ve made a mistake there are almost always lessons to be learned. We just need to be willing to learn them. Funny thing about this day was I was wearing my “Epic Fail” t-shirt. We can and probably should have epic fails and turn them into “Epic Learns”.

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