Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Hopper Distracts

I was on my second hour of classes in the studio, this was my oldest class so I was naturally looking forward to not needing to work as hard at keeping their attention as I do in the younger classes. This is the case most of the time but sometimes things just don’t work out the way they should right?! I started class as normal and as one of my dancers went by one of the many windows.  A cry went out “Miss Camilla … there’s a grasshopper!”, with that out hopped any order. I acknowledged it and moved on, in hopes that they would be able to follow my lead. We were able to limp through the next 10 minutes or so until I realized that they could not do anything until little Hopper was gone no matter how I tried to reason with them that he was just going to stay in the window and that he was more afraid of us them we were of him and other such tactics. That little grasshopper sat in the window seal only pacing back and forth. However he might as well been hopping around the classroom hopping on heads, floor, mirror etc. that would in fact make for a funnier story! I therefore located a box and with some difficulty I was able to trap Hopper in the box while the girls watched from a distance and then one girl volunteered to take him out.  Out went Hopper and back came our attention span.

A Mommy Moment? Yes, it was a learning moment for me that there are times that your plans need to be set aside, those future plans and focus on the present. The needs that need to be addressed otherwise further movement forward comes to a stand still.

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