Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Speed Crawler

Children have so much love to give no matter their age and their communication skills. They find ways to show it, we as adults just need to have our eyes open for it. The following is one brief example.

It was my nephews birthday party as their birthdays were only a few days apart. I had my arms full of gifts and other assorted things, I always have my arms full of this and that, sometimes giving me the nickname of “Bag Lady”. I was excited to see them but I could do little about it until I relieved myself of my small burdens. I walked past my youngest nephew, his eyes lit up so, that I wanted to squeeze him. He would be turning one and was only crawling at the time. After I set the gifts down with the others I stepped back to greet him. As I had stepped back I stepped on my little crawling nephew. I knew he was behind me yet in my mental calculations of where he would be with my understanding of an average crawling speed; I was wrong. He however was making his record time I am sure he broke some record for crawling speed somewhere. I quickly scooped him up consoling him as well as giving him as much love back, as I could.  Doing this all without laughing so he would not think I was laughing at his pain.

The gift I gave him that year was a ‘Lightening McQueen’ - the race car from Pixar’s “Cars” movie - baseball cap, because he loves hats so much. Because of our insistent  it was given a second meaning. A gift for a speedy boy!

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