Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Wet Lesson...

Being A Moment Mommy I also get my fair share of the hard moments - I wish not to dwell on these moments so I will not share many of them however this one was a doozy.  In one of my dance classes I had sisters - in many cases this works out well, but this situations only made it worse  they had more power in numbers as I am sure many of you mommies can relate.  To give some background in this particular studio there is no close drinking fountain so I encourage my dancers to bring a water bottle. On the occasion I have allowed them to do the great old trick of the hand cup in the bathroom sink. Well these sisters had reached their attention span so I let them go and get a drink. I saw that they went to the restroom so I figure that they had forgotten their water bottle.  I was not worried until no one came back… I went to check on things and well the bathroom door was locked. “Great”...  if one of the girls is using the bathroom there is no problem, however knowing them some small alarm goes off in my head.  I have a key but I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and I knock... nothing… I knocked louder my worry building, for me the worse part of misbehavior is I must help with the learning of natural consequence and I don’t get to be my happy ‘no worries self’. Yet there was still no response so  I knocked LOUDER and talked through the door, this time. A few moments later the door opened and much to my chagrin there was water everywhere. Some how it missed the toilet paper - Thank You- but other then that it was everywhere. I can almost give a half smile as I think back on it with so much time past. Well natural consequences were dealt this day has I handed each girl a hand full of paper towel and for most of dance class time we dried the bathroom instead of doing our fun dancing ways.  

As a side note I am much more wary of allowing children to do this drinking method anymore.  And really I've even been cutting back on number of drink breaks all together because really in 50 to 60 min lessons they should be able to handle it and wait till after class, famous last words right.

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