Friday, July 11, 2014

Just a Quick Trip!?

I was going to have my two nephews for the evening I however also had a  activity that I  had a small role to play in, so I agree to watch the boys if I could take them with me, and then their parents would pick the boys up at the activity when they were done.  So all I need to do now was get the boys in the car with their car seats, print something off at the library and then get to the activity.  Easy right!? Well once I got each car seat in the car with the appropriate child in each car seat I knew I was pushing my time. Now to the library. We got there and I was tempted to just run in side. (Not that I would ever actually leave them in the car it was just a temptation.)  Besides I knew they would have fun looking at the displays and helping me print so in we went all three of us.  We got in and printed my papers off and then back to the car. I was getting quite tired. Children take a lot of energy. I did get to the activity we were making t-shirts with colored t-shirts and bleach. I got there with the boys and they were loved and played with and they had a great time. This is a Mommy Moment for me as many of you can understand that simple tasks simply are not that simple with children. They are dear boys and we have many fun times together this was just my first attempt at living my life as it were with children.  I made the t-shirt with the words “I (Heart) MY Nephews”  so now everytime I wear it I think of this fun adventure we had together.

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