Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Dance

On Monday I teach a boys class for my lesson plan for the day was to watch the Toby Keith music video “American Soldier”. In hopes to inspire some feelings of gratitude for our country and those men and women that have served over the years to preserve our freedoms.  In this music video there are multiple soldiers and their families. In order for the boys that I teach to relate better to the situation I had them focus on the little boy sending his father off again to protect our freedoms. How it would feel for them to send out their own fathers; then translate those feelings into gratitude for those other boys across America sending out their fathers.  

These little boys did grasp what I was hoping they would and I could see flickers of those feelings in their movements. The next teacher asked if I could again show the older boy’s classes this music video. Repeating for the following two classes which progressively older in age. The added maturity with each class increased their understanding and ability to express themselves through movement.  I was very impressed by their gratitude. The appreciation that they expressed is their own. As teachers we reminded them of a few facts and they gave back ten fold. I think this is similar to being a parent in that your children and my Moment children have so much greatness in them to give back we just have to keep trying to unlock it. Not every lesson works out this way like I am sure it is when parenting yet, when it does the jem is priceless.

Thank you veterans and your families and know that there is at least a group of boys out there that have grasped some understanding of what it is you are doing for us and they showed it to me and a few others earlier this week, through a medium of dance.  

Monday, October 26, 2015

Doodle Tin - Usborne

In last week's post I talked about different items I have in my purse one were my ‘doodle cards’. I would recommend these to any Mommy or Moment Mommy. This tin contains 80 cards that have creative prompts, one on each side, to inspire a child to draw something. I have divided them into smaller groups and punching holes in one of the corner, placing a ring through the holes. This allows me to divide them among different children or  rotate through them, each week, and lightens the load. I also bought the fine tips white board markers so there is more variety of colors this also lightens the weight of what I need to carry.  A tip to save you some elbow grease whip the cards clean after the children are done otherwise it is very hard to clean them up.  

Most of the time the children that use them could care less about the prompts suggestions they just like to cover the fun pictures with their own scribbles, there are also those that get excited about the challenge the prompts suggest. So, it works for children of different developmental stages and temperaments. This allow a child to explore their own creativity and keeps them entertained for a while. All the children I have invited to draw on them enjoy and are entertain for some time.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Purposeful Purse Prevails

My purse is  more than holding my money, ID and any other personal needs that could arise, like headache medicine, fingernail clippers etc. It’s  purpose is to help me fulfill my goal of being a Moment Mommy. It’s good to have a few items in my purse so at a moments’ notice I can step into action. These items consist of  cute bandaids for both little girls and little boys (ex. Pixie Hollow fairies and Star Wars characters), finger puppets and last but not least my doodle cards and white board markers. The bandaids as I am sure you can guess are for those painful bumps and cuts as well as the imaginary ones that need a little loving, that only Queen Elsa or Lighting McQueen can do. The finger puppets and doodle cards are a quiet distraction of boredom, misbehavior or just to break the ice so the children and parent(s) know I am okay to share a few moments with them or their child. There are many examples of this. Over the last year or so that I have  started doing this.

Everything from attending my sister’s graduation I sat near a woman watching her husband graduate with their child. The child was good for most of it and then boredom struck and the child was done with the whole affair. I just so happen to be sitting close to her and handed her the finger puppets and this allow the child more quiet entertainment and also open the door to him to come and play with me. Another time in a meeting with other dance teachers the children were tired of their toys and the great length of our adults’ conversations. I was able to invite a few of the children to come and draw on my doodle cards with whiteboard markers. This also prolonged their entertainment in the situation. Yet, another example I was standing in a long line to return an item at a store and the woman behind me had two small children that had shopped till they resorted to tantrum throwing. I pulled out the doodle cards and markers and within moments all was quiet and mother and children were happy again.  There are several more examples of these tiny moments in which  I have been able to  help a child or a mother. These moments lift my spirits because I was able to help a child even in the smallest of ways.

This purse is also well known by my nephews. I feel there is a bit of a competition between our popularity with my nephews, between me and my purse. I am proud to say I come out on top almost every time. They love looking through it to play with my finger puppets or doodle cards, that I change to provide variety for them. I have two old apple products with fun children’s apps on each, which they fondly called “Blue Phone” and “Black Phone” (the colors of their cases). These are not always in there as I like to encourage other sources of entertainment for them as a priority as well as keeping them all charged and ready to go is quite a trick. Unless I am planning ahead of time.  

My purse is a bit on the heavier side because of some of these items but not enough for me to bother with or think that I am crazy. Quite the opposite with these items in my purse it helps me be on the lookout for children or mothers that could use a smile or a moment of friendship.  

Monday, October 12, 2015

Neighbor's Love

I use to have some neighbors, in which I taught most of their daughter’s either as a teacher or as a sub. They were the sweetest girls and a great treasure to me to have had them so close to me. I thought I understood how much I appreciated them, yet now however I see that I didn’t know the value of the treasure I had. Not too long ago their family moved away.

Whenever I came home and they were out on their front lawn, they would always come and talk with me show me what they were doing, tell me about their day and so on. It got to the point that as I pulled into my neighborhood I found myself hoping they would be out playing so I could hear all about whatever it was they wanted to tell me.  On the occasional day the youngest girl of about 4 years would even take to watching for me to pull up and come running out to talk with me. I would always invite them to come and play with me and my toys, for as a dance teacher there are plenty of toys to be had. However the logistics never worked out, as they were moving I heard from their Mom that the youngest would always ask to come and play if she saw my car parked out front. As it is so typical with life the timing was always off and this did not take place.

These short moments are past now, yet I have the pleasant memories of these interactions. I am grateful for them for in these moments they allowed me into their lives and I could love them.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Chapter Two - Something New

Over these past months I have been engaged in an internal debate, about the actions I want to take in regards to this blog. I have decided I am going to make some changes, I hope these changes are helpful to you all. I attended BYU Education Week (this is a week of 12 hour days that you can learn from hundreds of different topics) this year like I do almost every year. One of the questions I was seeking an answer to was this blog. I did gain more knowledge in this area that has overwhelmed me a bit, yet by the end of the week I was determined to try again and keep moving forward. The conclusion I have come up with is more variety in posts as a starting point I have also added different visual things that I personally enjoy.

The majority will still be Mommy Moments. In addition I will have posts about me, this is hard for me to do I much rather talk about children in my life. I hope however that you will be able to understand me as a person better and not just someone that tells stories. This being said I hope you can find me in my Mommy Moments because for me the children in my life are a large part of it.

Another type of posts I’ll be adding to this blog are ‘Useful Tools’, this will include things that help children warm up to me, teach them something, or that the children in my life just love. So weather you are a mother, or a Moment Mommy these posts could be helpful to you!

I look forward to this new chapter in my Moment Mommy Blog the above and others will start up again and be available once a week.

Friday, June 5, 2015


In my many child development classes we have talk about and learned of the stages of development. Though I no longer have the details memorized I am aware of these stages still and I love watching the children around me go through them. In my brother’s family I have watched their first son go through many of these stages and followed by his two younger brothers. Even though these stages are basically the same for each child I am more fully understanding that each child goes through them and finds joy. Joy to be had from each and every child entering and succeed in these stages.

My youngest nephew is an expert crawler now and  you can see such pride in his eyes now that he has the mobility to keep up with his older brothers to some degree. They run into a room and off he goes crawling as fast as he can to follow by the time he gets there he is so pleased with himself that he does not even care that his brothers have already moved on and out of the room or area.

Watching him do this over the last while has gotten me thinking more about the stages, we all go through. Sometimes as adults we take it for granted and just expect it of them I noticed myself doing this. Instead we as adults should find joy also in each child that reaches these stages for the first time, because after all it is their first time!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Second Hand Flower

This past month was recital time, the children get to show off to whomever they wish to invite that which they  have  learned in their dance classes. As part of the dance, or it’s roots may have come from somewhere else, nonetheless it is customary to give a dancer flowers at the end of a recital. As a teacher I as well get flowers, yet not as a rule. Last year I received my first second hand flower. It took place like this: A dancer of mine just finished her very first dance recital and was given a bouquet of carnations. She was so excited she brought them up to me to show them off with radiating well earned pride. I congratulated her and showed her my flowers too, that another student had just given me. She smiled and asked who had given me the flowers. I told her simply one of the dancers. She looked at the flowers I was showing her and then to her own flowers. I figured she was thinking that she was lucky that she had flowers just like her teacher. Then what she did next surprised me and I almost didn’t accept it. She took one of the stems from her carnation bouquet and handed it to me. I opened my mouth to refuse yet something in her eyes stopped me she had thought this through and in her selflessness she wanted to give them to me. Stopping her would be denying her blessing of her selfless service.

This event almost slipped away from me forever until this almost exact event took place a couple of weeks ago. When a little dancer of mine brought me a carnation and it look like it had come from her bouquet. I recalled last year and grabbed at this memory. Learning once again from two children about observing those around you and making selfless decisions that helps another person.

I also learn from this experience that we as caregivers of children need to allow children opportunities to service and sacrifice, otherwise they will miss out on great learning and character building moments.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Grandma's Validation

Thanks to a few small events that have taken place over the last few weeks I am back at it. I am finding joy in my Mommy Moments I hope the same is true for you and that what I have to share might help in some small way.

I put my whole heart and soul into teaching dance and in its turn the recitals. Therefore one of the causes or effects of putting so much of myself into these children is that I call my dancers my children, and receive a lot of Mommy Moments from them.  This being the case it is wonderful when validation is given to me in this area.

My Mom came out this year to see my dancers perform in their various recitals and support me in it. I am so grateful not matter your age you want your parents to be proud of you and how you chose to live your life. The fact that she traveled a day to support me, in and of itself  gave me great joy. I introduce her to as many of the parents and other teachers as I could in the chaos of after dance recital. After introducing her to someone my attention was drawn away in another direction I heard my Mom say something to the effect of, “For her; her dancers are her children, so I needed to come and see my grandchildren.”

Simple words with a power punch effect on me. When your heart aches to be a mother, love and be loved by children, it can be quite a burden to carry. Even as I have come along this journey for and now am finding my Mommy Moments and have become a Moment Mommy. Negativity is all around waiting to come when our defenses start getting tired. This statement from my Mom, the grandma of over 50 Moment Grandchildren, validate me in my efforts to make the most of what life has given me. My strength is renewed and my hope restored.

A little late for Mother's Day however still as true. Thank You Mom for being there for me and supporting me and always helping me find the strength to keep going and becoming more!

Friday, April 17, 2015

What my Copy Cat Taught Me

We were all sitting around my friend’s kitchen bar with her little boy. Something was said and I laughed really hard just before this moment ended this little boy put his hand over his heart throwing his head back and laughing with exaggerated effort. This made me laugh more and then I realized that I too had my hand pressed to my heart as well. I continued laughing at how cute he was being, I then look over at my friend she was not doing the same as the two of us. She confirmed that he was indeed copying me and the way I laughed. I had no idea that I did this. He kept it up for a few more minutes seeing the reaction we gave him. He was very proud of himself and really so was I. I learned something about myself, that I had not realized. I suppose it takes a little copy cat child at times to really take a look at your self. Also helps me realize once again how much children are watching and learning from us, and that I better be living a life I want copied. Since this night I find how often I laugh this way.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Seeds of Such Potential

This past weekend was General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and all others that want to hear, where we a global church get to hear the world from the mouth of prophets in our day! This is broadcasted in many different ways and languages so anyone that wishes can be a part.  I spent one of the days with my brother’s family, my three little nephews. Most of the time the boys played while the adults listen, which is to be expected at such a young age they don’t have the attention span for four hours of messages.

For a little while my oldest nephew came and snuggled up next to me on the couch and after seeing me take down some notes asked me what I was doing. I explained to him that when I heard words that touched my heart I wrote them down. This satisfied him and he settled back down next to me for the next few moments. I then wrote something down and he wanted to know what I wrote so I read it to him. He followed my response by asking what that meant. I explained the principle the best I could so he might understand. Then once again settled in next to me. A moment or two later he said something to the effect of, “ He said love; write it down.” So I did, for his four year old mind there are so many words he has no idea what they are so for him to pick out a word he understood is so amazing. He continued listening and picked out a couple more words like repentance, this time wanting to know what it meant, along with a few others. I turned to him and each time explained the best way I could that he might find some understanding, at some level. I did not get too much out of the message that was intended at the time but simply what was being taught to me by  my nephew, his willingness to learn and record what he was learning.

Children are always surprising in their ability to pick up on things and really just their desire to learn what they can. They are so full of potential to grow into something amazing if we guide them on their way, like that of a small seed that will grown in to a great plant. If we open our hearts we can learn from their learning as well.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Golden Egg

Last year for Easter I was with my nephews for their Easter Egg Hunt, along with my parents and siblings. They started a new tradition in their family that my sister-in-law grew up with so I was unaware of it. We were simply told that if we found ‘The Golden Egg’ we were to stop the hunt and gather together for a moment. The hunt began and after sometime the hunt was paused as we all gathered together around the golden egg. My sister-in-law then sat in front of her three boys and had the oldest open it up and show what was inside. There was nothing inside and this worried him. His mother went on to explain that this egg is like that of the tomb that Jesus Christ was buried in and on the third day He was no longer there. That he had risen and because of that we all can live with our Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ and our families again. Because it was Empty!

It was a very short little lesson but after that my oldest nephew reverently closed the egg back up and respectfully gave it back to the finder of the egg, another aunt, with one more glance the moment was gone and it was back the the fun of the hunt.
This child perhaps did not grasp the whole meaning of what his mother said or maybe he did regardless he felt the spirit and understood something -if only children could tell us- and through his example my own testimony of Easter was strengthened. That Jesus Christ my (and your) Savior died for us and then on the third day rose again and reaches out to me (and you) we simply need reach out to Him.

Monday, March 30, 2015

They Say…

Children say things that are simply so cute that they must be shared, here are a few for your enjoyment. They do not contain a lesson or even a profound thought attached to them, these stories simply bring a smile to the face and lighten the heart.

Polka Dots
Sitting around our Learning Mat in one of my dance classes. I had a tap on my arm I look over at her and she said, “Miss Camilla I like your polka dots.” I thanked her out of reflects but then looked around me; I was not wearing anything with polka dots or did I bring anything with polka dots. I was about to ask her what she meant, when she touched my arm and point out my freckled covered arm, “These ones”! In my whole like I never thought of my freckles as polka dots.

Excuse Me
As a teacher assistant  it is my job to dance and demonstrate the moves correctly so the children can learn through example and the teacher can focus on how the class is progressing. Doing this I must be very aware so as not to crash into any of them. The children are still learning their own spacial awareness so naturally there are little bumps. With a quick sorry class does not miss a beat. This one time I had a near miss with a little girl and she declared in great surprise, “oh excuse me”.  She was so grown up and proper about it I had to chuckle and she repeated herself any time she got in another dancers way. Afterward she just kept dancing as though there was nothing out of the ordinary about a little 3 year old girl excusing herself when she was in another's way.

Smarty Pants
This final one took place when I was teaching in the BYU-Idaho’s preschool labs. (I have wanted to share this but couldn’t figure out how it was a Mommy Moment.) We were sitting down for circle time where mini lessons are taught. Another teacher was giving the lesson of the day and she told these children that she was going to ask them something hard so their better have their ‘Smarty Pants’ on. This little boy cried out in pure delight as he patten his own pants, “Smarty Pants!” He then proceeded to laugh his head off, like it was the funniest thing he had ever heard. For me and the other teacher it was something we would joke about the rest of the year.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

12 Daddies’ Princesses

The weekend before Valentine's I was asked to teach a few basic social dance steps at a Father Daughters Dance. I have taught a workshop for ballroom dance in college, once upon a time. I figured I could remember enough to teach them, so I agreed. I am so grateful that I did! The girls were all between the ages of 8 and 11 years. Once they arrived and I assessed the situation I concluded that this was going to be unlike any other teaching experience I have had up to this point and I was right.

I had them get into closed dancing positions and right off I had to make adjustments, these girls were not going to be able to reach their dad’s shoulders. I thought I had prepared but here already I was thrown - they put there hands on their dad’s elbows. I then went on to teach the very basics of waltz. I was inspired to describe the waltz as the princess dance that most Disney princesses do with their prince, at the end of the movies. Their eyes lit up. We also went over a few steps of Cha Cha. Sure they were far from perfect but what I saw that night touched my soul. These girls came in with their dads and there before my eye transformed into the princesses they were dancing like.

This took place as their dad with gentle love directed their girls through the steps I taught them to the best of their abilities. It also brought back memories of dancing with my own Dad, and how I felt like I too  transformed into a princess while dancing with him. This night I learned or relearned that dads have the power to change their daughters into real princesses, not just through dance but by the way they treat their daughters. I am sure that moms get to take pride in many of  these tender moments as I did this night.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Single Awareness Day... No Longer

Being single has it’s challenges like any other phase of life. I know of the feelings of loneliness and temptation to go into yourself, and shutting out others. To feel some how turning a blind eye to the fact that there is love all around, because we have not yet found the love we want to find. We must look and see it, accepting the quest of changing “Single Awareness Day” to valentine's day in the month of Feb  and everyday. By opening our eyes and hearts to  seeing that we do indeed have love around us waiting to be felt.  

Over the last 5 years of teaching children I have learned much, from them about Valentine's Day. Children get excited about buying that box of Valentines, or they cut out hearts and give them to each other and anyone else that are in their lives. I have been blessed by many of these cute cards hand crafted or otherwise. We talk together about love and how we know when someone loves us and followed by how we show another we love them. Through my many conversations, with these precious children I began to better see those in my life, show me they love me and I them. The more my eyes were open to these things the less lonely I felt. I now celebrate this day of love and how grand it feels to know that I am being loved by those around me.

This is not to say I don’t ever feel lonely anymore. It’s simply less often and I have a tool for finding happiness in the love I do have now.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Knock on the Door

Over the summer I was doing a little Nannying for a family in need. This family lived in a fun little neighborhood. I in fact knew many of the children I would see in the yards playing. I had taught them or one of their siblings at some point. I was sure to stop and talk to them or at least say hi when ever I saw them. Well, one day while Nannying there was a knock on the door this was not uncommon I figured it was a child or two  that was wanting to play with the children I was watching. With the baby in my arms I went to the door and answered it. To my surprise it was one of my students from my boy’s class over the last year. I assume he saw my car in his neighbor's driveway and came by and wanted to talk to me. The children I was watch went outside to play so we shared a few moments together talking. I don’t remember our conversation we had. I am sure it was one of simple loving friendship. This boy of 8 years brought me such joy by his actions of leaving what ever it was he was playing to come and say hi to me. I also realized in this moment that my efforts and love I put into teaching has it’s benefits like in this moment it is all worth it.

Monday, February 2, 2015

A Step to Initiation

This past fall my sister-in-law and I decided to go to my parents for a visit with her three boys. It was a fun trip and our time there was wonderful, we grew closer together as sisters. Part of our journey to and from my parents house there is a road the over the years has gain a reputation, we call it the Winedy Twisty road. Car sickness is not uncommon for most people, I myself have troubles with it from time to time. Well, has we set off to travel back to Utah a 12 hour drive I sat between the two older boys 4 and 2 years of age. We started down this road and both these boys stomachs rebelled. Up came their once yummy breakfast. The nature of this road is that the driver can not stop it is too narrow  and dangerous so I got to hold bags to prevent further mess and then comfort and clean up after these two boys. While remaining well my self. I was able to step into the right attitude and help these boys beyond my normal ability.   

I feel therefore that I have completed a step in my initiation of my mommy moments. I had the great honor of cleaning up not one but after two car sick boys. Once out of this area we stopped at a gas station and finished helping these boys. Thinking back on it a smile comes to my face if not a little crooked. I was able to help these boys when they needed someone and I was able to rise to the occasion.  

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Gift Received

I love Christmas time because I get to give gifts to those I love and I try to put time into my gifts so there are personal and the recipient knows of my love for them. This is the ultimate goal, yet like everything else in life it doesn't always get done. This year was like many others I put a lot a thought into what I would get each person. The best one I gave this year was to my four year old nephew.  For his birthday he was given the game ‘Minecraft’ and how he loves it! He could do things very successfully and create fun things. This game we played as a family and over Thanksgiving I played with this nephew it was enjoyable. On a regular basis he would ask him how to build something in fact every time he would want to build even the same object that I showed me moments before he would ask again. This is when the idea was planted. He need something visual so he could figure out it for himself. They have recipes online and even in books but they are all directed to older children/adults. I therefore made one with my knowledge of both the game and child development studies I created a small book that had big pictures and words so that he could look up for himself what he wanted to make.  When he opened it and immediately flipped through the pages and declared, “This is how you make a pickaxe” and so on through each page. He was so excited he went around showing each member of the family. He did not put down the book for a long time afterward.

How it soothes the heart to know that your gift has been gratefully received. My nephew gave me the best gift I could have asked for he gave me the gift of gratitude and love. It is such a simple gift yet has such a power. Let us all also share this gift of gratitude genuinely with those around us. I received a gift that I did not ask for but how I needed it! Thank you little man of mine.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Service Fountain

I was sitting at some distance from a drinking fountain at church which became a momentary distraction whenever it was being used and more specifically by children. What started out as a mild distraction turned into a lesson for me. As I watched children bring their toddler brother or sister to the drinking fountain, and then with great effort they would lift a child that was normally at least half their size and probably even weight. Holding their sibling up and pushing the button long enough for a quick drink. This did not just take place once it took place multiple times. I was touched over and over again by the service of the older sibling and the complete confidence and trust of the younger sibling.  I am sure that the younger sibling put up with uncomfortable positions their bodies when into while their older sibling lifted them so they might have a drink.

How many of us would physically lift someone more than half your weight and height? These children gave so willingly of themselves not in any grand gesture just a simple task that was not given any pomp and circumstance.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Wee Editor

Frequently I get to participate in my brother and sister-in-laws family scripture study.  Being part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints we study the scriptures found in the Book of Mormon as well as the Bible, this night we were in the Book of Mormon. With this family of three small boys scripture reading is quite an adventure. The main points covered each night during their study are first read 10 verses those old enough to speak participate. The two older boys each ‘read’ or repeat what their mom or dad tells them too, feeding them a couple words at time.  These dictated verses are the shorts out of the allotted ten the family will read that night. When there are others over like myself I get to read a verses or two as well.  So, times it is quite the little battle to have the two older boys repeat the words of their verses and sometimes there is nothing to complain about well the night that became a mommy moment for me was one that took place quite smoothly.  They were reading in the 18th book of Alma. The great teaching of the missionary Ammon, we were coming to the part where the King of the land accepted what he was being taught and being overcome with the spirit of the Lord he went unconscious verse 42 was my 2 year old nephews turn to read. His verse was this, “And now, when he had said this, he fell unto the earth, as if he were dead.” He said the words that were given him, forming them in to the cutest versions of themselves, in a way that only  a two year old can pull off. While doing this we was fingering a toy in his lap. So it did not seem he was giving much thought to what it was he was saying. Until the last word the word was given to him, still focusing on his toy in his lap he stops and does not say the last word, it is given to him again and still he says nothing. Once more it is repeated to him. This time he says “not dead”. Still looking at the toy in his lap. Thinking he misheard the correct word was given him again ‘dead’, and again he said, “not dead”. After this we understood what was going on with the best reasoning given to a child of two he knew being dead was not good and so this King or more likely anyone could not be dead. Thereby he changed it to fit his interpretation of the situation better.

This whole event was super cute and all that were there laughed about it for a bit. In addition I was super impressed with the fact that this seemingly distracted child was indeed listening and trying to understand the best he could the scriptures. To all moms out there that are are trying to study scriptures with their small children or even the big ones, or just trying to teach your children something good, they are picking up and understanding more then they are letting on.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Me & My Brain

Teaching seven different dance classes, helping out in four more, along with taking my own classes, fulfilling another job being an aunt and friend. Like you; I think it is safe to say life gets crazy at the very  least. It is truly a miracle that I am able to keep track of each schedule and know what needs to get done when and for what responsibility.  I can only imagine what it would be like to keep track a whole families schedule. I feel then that this would be applicable in this blog to say that ‘Me & My Brain’ are great friends with the understanding that even in the best of friendships there are disagreements and that things are not always done or taken care of in the best manner.  I have these moments where I simply become at odds with my brain and things are forgotten or brought to pass incorrectly.  Fortunately for me those I work with and surround myself with are forgiving and understanding. If the same is true with you then maybe you will relate to the following story.

In one of  my ballet classes I want to introduce more of the foot positions to further their education. (Now you must understand that I have been in ballet sense about the age of 12 so I have been around this for sometime I have done it over and over, through college, and even recently in adult classes I have taken to keep up with my fitness etc.) I went through the remaining foot positions with my dancers and repeated it many times so they would remember it. We were working in these new position for about four classes, when on my own I just so happen to be going through my ballet book and saw the foot positions and their corresponding names under the images . I just happened to glance at this page and stopped and turned back to it.  The horror struck me all at once as I realize I have infact somehow switched the names of a couple of foot positions and thereby teaching these young dancers all wrong! The embarrassment was strong and I wanted to simply disappear, however grateful at the same time that  I had realized my error before they moved out of my influence and discovered for themselves that they had learned incorrectly.  

I therefore got to teach the following week that adults, teachers and even parents make mistakes.  It was a humbling experience to have to admit to these children what I had done. For there was no other way around it, despite my efforts in finding a way.  The children were amazing and as I have shared in the past very forgiving and I am happy to report all is well and corrected in the ballet foot positions. And well my relationship with Me & My Brain are as they ever were we work together great but now and then a mishap takes place and I get to swallow my pride and move forward.  

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Words: Dreaded to Forgotten

Last year while teaching one of my dance classes I had dreaded words delivered to me, those words that strike the heart; no matter how you try to not let them. It had been a hard course correction day, I had to inform the children that they are not making the incorrect choices and thereby consequences would take place. At the end of class we do a ‘good-bye-train’ where each child gets to dance by-themselves to their parents. On this occasion I was trying to help them remain in the line without the pushing and/or pulling of hair etc. With all the parents now in the room ready to pick up their child a little girl yelled, “I hate you!” which then echoed through the room far too long, for my liking.  This was the first time a child had said those words to me and though I was initially prepared for them, you have to be when working with children, the final execution of them still stung vividly. I tried to brush off the words, knowing that she truly don’t mean it the way we as a adults understand the words. She was simply unhappy with what was going on and made it known. However, when the next week came along I was most interested  to know how she would react and what my plan was to help her understand what I am asking of her as well as have a fun and successful experience. I went through many different scenarios in my head and the simpleness of what took place was a surprise. She had forgiven and forgotten all about it and was ready to move on with her dance education.  

Children are so amazing; I was thinking through every strategy I could think of to make the situation better. She had already forgiven me for those things she dislike about her situation. I want to be more forgiving like this child and so many others like her.  

Monday, January 5, 2015

Nurturing Without Sleep

Over the summer I had the opportunity to watch over my three little nephews while their parents were away on an anniversary trip. We were at my parents house so I was not alone in this I was just there so they would not wear out my parents, Grandma and Grandpa. I therefore took upon myself night duty with the little baby. I was to wake up when he did at any hour of the night make a bottle and feed him, and any other need that would take place.

The few day adventure began I had the clean bottle ready for easy access and mentally told myself that I must get up whenever I heard the baby cry I would feel horrible if I slept through it and someone else woke up.  I was prepared as I could be like with almost everything in life there is just no preparing for some events. At first I slept restlessly  for fear of missing the cry but as, he would cry. I would go pick him up and with one arm hold and comfort him with the other make his bottle, being partly asleep many of the times. Night after night I was able to sleep better and awake when he did. I was tempted at times to let someone else take a turn but this is what I wanted and the hard must come with the good so thereby making the good much better. I would get up and repeat. Sometimes nodding off for a heart beat or two while he was eating.  Among the weariness there is a peace when sacrificing for a little baby and watching him eat and he looking back into my eyes, full of love and trust. In the end it was beautiful and worth the effort and sacrifice.

My hat goes off  to all you mothers I did this only for a number of days or should I say nights and I was grateful to pass the baton, while you do this month and even years on  end.