Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Gifts to Christ

I teach in a private dance studio for my church so I am able to talk about the true meaning of Christmas, with my dancers. I take this opportunity seriously since it is not every where you can talk about Christ in your dance classes. This  year I put a lot of preparation into this  lesson plan. I taught this lesson three times and so I am going to combine the experience into one post.

The following lesson plan was inspired by a teacher I use to work with but having the desire not to lose it when she left I do it in her honor. (So I don’t take credit for the ideas, simply embrace them.) The basic events that took place are as follows: Christmas music fills the room as we practice and show off what it is the children have been learning this first part of the year to their parents, because it is parents day. Then it is time to look inside the Christmas present that I brought to class, they typically have been looking forward to it all of class. As I start pulling things out they quickly recognize it as a Nativity scene. I then ask them to tell me the story, this is did new this year but it proved to be insightful and children love to talk. In my boys class they settled down enough and were old enough to tell the story with the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Ghost, and they did a beautiful job, I unfortunately do not remember the words well enough to retell them too you. In the girls’ classes they were cute and it was worth it though not as powerful as the boys. I emphasized the wise men in the story and how they brought gifts to the little Jesus. I asked them if they were there what would they give and they answers were all very lovingly given. A few of my favorites: “I would give baby Jesus my favorite stuffed octopus because I love it so much!”, and  “I would give him a room in my house.” I then told them briefly of the drummer boy and how all he had to give was something he had in himself, a talent, I asked if it were possible to give the gift of dance to baby Jesus. They all agreed. What followed was sweet and tender.

In the boys class: I had a cardboard manager with a baby doll inside and set it in the middle of our dancing room.  I turned on the music and let them dance. Their dancing was truly amazing you could see the light inside each one of them coming out as they did their best to give the gift of dance to baby Jesus. It was the best dancing I have seen from them this far. This however was not all, when they finished their dance I asked if someone would bring baby Jesus and the manger.They all wanted to do so. I decided to let them figure out how they were going to do this and well these six boys all circled around the manger and carefully lifted the manger and baby up and working together brought our baby Jesus over. It was a  tender moment for us all that got to see it.

The youngest of children and the wildest of boys still can be touched and thereby touch the hearts around them with their testimony of Jesus Christ.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Call Me Mommy

As I have been writing down these Mommy Moments, I have felt very blest and strengthened! However my thoughts have also been distracted negatively, 'you have these moments but no one calls you Mommy.'  I successfully pushed away this thought most of the time, yet it was there to crawl out of the shadowy recesses of my mind when I was weak, more susceptible to  giving into negativity.

A few days ago I had a Mommy Moment that is helping, me resolve this thought, and dispel it.  I decide to go to a special church meeting with my brother's family, having the company of my three nephews.  As we were waiting for the meeting to begin I had my four year old nephew on one side and my two year old nephew on the other. We were carrying on normal conversation and little activities that come from such situations. When suddenly my two year old nephew leaned up right next to me his little arm around my back. His head tilted up toward me. I looked down at him because this was out of the ordinary. When he saw he had my attention these words reached my ears. "I love you Milla" (Milla is the name by which my nephews call me. )  I returned with" I love you"! He again leaned closer to me "I love you too"  after he said it a second time I looked into his eyes wondering why he said it again. It was almost as if he was trying to burn or make permanent the words he had spoken to me.  After those few moments of looking at each other he reached his head up purse his lips wanting to give me a kiss so I leaned down to accept it and so he could reach my cheek. He gave me a kiss. After this moment past it felt familiar like he had done almost this very same thing before. After thinking on it, I have a vague memory of a similar event with my nephew but I didn't listen that time, I did this time.

My nephew had to teach me twice, but I needed to hear and understand. I am grateful to him for his diligence. I am starting to understand the need to be called Mommy, is not important, yet it is the love a child has for me!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Thou Shalt Not Jump

I was at my friends house the other day and they were getting their little boy ready for bed. He was in his PJs quietly looking through his books we were all busy doing something for a moment or two and then we heard a variation on these words come from this little boy, "Jesus said no jumping." A little confusion followed as us adults try to figured out what he just said, and why? It was super cute but way off...

It was my friend that was able to make this connection for us. Earlier on in the day they had been reading bible story about Jesus being tempted to jump off the building, along with His other two temptations, from Satan, and Jesus said no. Nothing more took place on that topic has far as she knew. Until he made his statement at that moment. We all had a little chuckle over it yet the moment past and it was forgotten. We all moved on with other conversation and then with our lives. Until it was many days later and I was traveling home with my family for Thanksgiving and something in the conversation reminded me about this little funny story that took place with my friend's son.  I shared it with them and we all laughed. I started talking about it and as I was thinking out loud about this event I was taught.

This smart little two year old boy had heard a story about Jesus and with the very best reasoning that is given to a developing child at his age he pondered on it until he came up with a conclusion about what the message of the story he had heard.  He was learning from the teaching of Jesus the best he could. We smile at it and move on but what a lesson he taught me about doing the best with where we are at the time. That is what this life is all about anyway. We take the knowledge that we manage to retain through our daily lives’ and we make decisions or conclusions about them. Building upon our understanding and knowledge of the world around us as well as our spirituality.

In many cases when finding my Mommy Moments I need to put in the effort to think about a child and the situation. To really learn from the child.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Monochrome World?

For my  Thanksgiving  dance lesson plan I normally ask each child as I call role to tell me something that they are grateful for. The normal answers are cute and largely directed by previous conversation or the responses of other children.  For example if we were talking about Christmas everyone is grateful for presence or the new favorite is anything related to “Frozen”.  There are the insightful group that will talk about their families or God. Which I respect and understand. This particular little girl  was grateful for something that I had thought of only in passing if at all. The simpleness of  her answer was  a profound insight. She said this, “I am grateful for colors…. because this world would be very boring with only one color.” I wish I could explain exactly what took place inside me when I was given this response. It was like having an enlightening moment and something deep inside you changes. I began to see the world a little differently. I see the colors more  seriously now. This world would be very boring and bland without colors. Leave it to  a child to teach me how to better see the world around me. I have not been living in a world of one color yet I sure have not been seeing them all; now I am starting to.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

First Thanksgiving

Last year I decided to try something new in one of my classes and see if there was some movement lessons that could be learned. I found little contour line drawings of the characters in the first thanksgiving story and I colored them and told the simple story of the Native Americans and the Pilgrims helping each other and have a dinner of gratitude. The story we learned every year in Elementary School. I started the class with the question, “Who knows the story of the first thanksgiving and can share it with us?” I wanted to know the foundation these children had of happened. Well in one of my four year old classes I received an answer that has both changed my outlook on the first thanksgiving story as well as how much we can learn from children. This little girls answer went something like this…

“There was a group of people that lived far away on the other side of the world, on an island. Their king would not let them worship God the way they wanted to so they got on boats.  They traveled a long time to a new world where they hoped they would be able to worship God the way they wanted to. They were having a hard time in the new world because it was different, so the nice people that lived their already, the Indians, taught them how to live, by how and what to plant and when. They were able to share with the Indians as well. So during their the fall they decided to have a dinner to say thank you to each other and God for giving them a place they could worship Him.”

I had always heard the story in a secular school and so having God as a major roll I had not really considered. Thinking about it I should have put two and two together. However it took a child’s simple telling me of a story I thought I already understood for me to really grasp the message of this story. I am ever so grateful to this child telling and they parent or teacher that taught her the story this way. After the her telling I took out my paper characters and told the story with them. The children then did a beautiful dance about the story and gratitude.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

To The Givers

This past week I had a very different Mommy Moment. I attended my friends Relief Society Meeting, a woman’s organization for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  This moment is different because it does not center on the children themselves but on the wonderful Mother’s of these children. I agreed to come to this activity we ate pumpkin treats and wrote thank you notes. This group of women just happens to be a good number of women that I have taught their children or babysat them. I was able to talk to these women, these mothers. As and equal and feel their love for me because I had interaction with their children, at some point. One at a time each one of these mothers came and talked with  me wanted to get to know me and I truly felt their love. Most of them I had brief conversations with in the past but a few I met for the first time that night.  Too many conversations that night to have allowed me to write any thank you notes as was intended.

I write a thank you note now, as we turn our hearts and thoughts to gratitude this month, to those loving women. Women and mothers that not only share their children with me that I might be able to love and teach them, yet also want to get to know me love me for being me. Here’s to those women I spent time with and all the mothers that have share their children with me.


with my whole heart!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Story Time

A few weeks ago I was watching my nephews and they were getting tired. Fighting with each other a bit so I asked if they would want to read a story and had the two older boys pick out a few books. I layed on the couch with the baby and one laid beside me the other above my head and they all listened to the stories quietly. A great peace came upon me and I am pretty sure the boys felt it too. We read book after book and they were all happy. How long this lasted I am not sure but that moment was a perfectly complete moment that I will treasure.

I have always loved to read and will always love to do so. I have on other occasions read to these boys but this night was a heaven on earth moment. Where my love of reading was successfully shared with these boys I love so much. There is truly power and peace in being able to pass something on that has changed your life and could change that of others.

"No book is really worth reading at the age of ten
which is not equally - and often far more 
worth reading at the age of fifty and beyond. 
Someday you will be old enough to
start reading 
fairy tales again."
-C.S. Lewis

Friday, November 7, 2014

Skipping Angel

As I was writing my latest post I remember an incident about a year ago that supported the topic of allowing children to lead and blessings that can come from that. It was the start of a new year, last year and one little girl was having a hard time finding the courage to participate fully in class. I remember trying many different things to help this child but she mainly just stood there week after week. My assistant and I would have her halfheartedly doing things by the end of each class so we knew it could be done. Then one week the idea came to me to not have me or my assistant go skipping with her but a child. I picked a girl to go with her but it didn’t work very well the shy child just kept walking thereby slowing down my little helper, after a short time she would just let go and the shy girl would again just stand there. I don’t remember if it was this started the same day. If I asked her or if another little girl in class saw the need I was trying to fill, but this little girl came up and took the shy girls hand and started skipping. One skipping and one walking, but my little leader did not give up. For the next couple weeks this little leader would see her standing the shy girl not dancing and go and take her hand and dance with her. More and more this shy child opened up and after fewer weeks than my assistant and I tryed, this girl was brave and dancing on her own and now had a good friend.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Let them Lead

This past week was my Halloween week worth of lesson plans. Doing things for Halloween with children is a tricky balance. They want to do something for it not just ignore it, however if the wrong piece of music, even a classical piece can scare them. Something with minor chords or even too much bass.  So, I have the happiest Halloween music I could find out there, and still it can be a problem with some of the children at which point we go back to my normal music. I let the children direct me on this one.

I was teaching one of my youngest classes this past week and sure enough a little boy got scared so I quickly changed the music I want them to have a positive experience. He seemed fine after that so we moved forward. Then a little girl came late to class crying and not wanting to leave mommy.  As a rule I carry the crying child into the room and see if we can not find some distraction or another to get them to once again have a positive experience in dance class. I was trying to do just that when the little boy stopped dancing and started to cry again pointing to what I thought was the music box. This was very happy music so I was confused but I changed it. He went back to dancing and I went back to finding the thing that would distract this little girl from crying, she was starting to worry the other children and the last thing I wanted to do was hand her back to her mom. The little boy again started to cry I change this music that he had been dancing to in at other times with no problem and realized that there was something else going on because I really could not let him have the power to change the music on any whim.  Almost too slow I made the connection between his outbursts and this other little girl that was crying. My time was running out I pulled her  and him to their feet and tried to get them excited about moving it was not working.

It was then I had an idea for all intents and purposes this little girls crying was the problem and distraction method was not working so I decided to attack the situation head on, which normally does not work. I left the whimpering little boy, knelt by the girl looked her in the eyes and explain the situation the best I could in words that she would understand. “Do you see that [this little boy] is crying and not dancing? Its because you are crying. Could you be brave and a leader for me and show him that it is okay to go dancing.” I stood up took her hand once more and soon she was skipping with us happily and the little boy joined in too! the rest of the class went beautifully.

There have been a handful of other times asking the child to be a leader for other children and it works. It is easy to forget that these small children can be leaders and good things can come of it if we as adults are brave enough to let them try.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween Déjà vu

The following are two different events with different sets of people involved. One took place about two years ago and the other a few days ago. Neither one is more important I put them together only because they are so similar and I wish not to bore you with too much repetition. I naturally will have more memory of the more recent event however the feelings I have of both are still as strong as ever. They are so similar that experiencing the  more recent one I felt like a Dashvue, with my memories of the past one.

In both cases I was asked to babysit and then almost as an after thought was invited to, if I was so inclined, to take the boys to the church Trucker Treat, that would be taking place the same evening. I quickly agreed excited at the chance to participate in a normal family church setting and in the role of guardian to small children, that I love so dearly, my nephews. In both cases the two families had moved into their ward within the last few months. Adding to the experience in that the children could have been mine as far as the others there were concerned. Another funny thing that I did not realize till I was thinking about it I dressed up as the same thing both times as well. Probably because I could move easily and work with children, if I dress up in my Indian clothes and bangles.

Showing up at my friend's house a couple days ago, I was met with a cute little Curious George, Monkey. I was pointed the direction to walk and we were off on our adventure stopping to jump in every pile of leaves.

Upon arriving and my nephews home, I was greeted by a little train engineer and his little baby brother in some sort of cute costume I now don’t remember. We also walked to the location of the Trunk Or Treat event. This time pushing a stroller. The Engineer running along side driving his cardboard train.

Arriving and mingling with the church members having pizza on the front lawn. The friendly church members came to get to know me and where I lived etc. I had to explain that I was the babysitter/aunty. Others knew I was coming all in all I loved being able to talk to other moms like an equal.

Walking into the church building we were greeted by many happy excited children and their families. I remember sharing words with others there and introducing myself the same. I was just truly loving being around all the families and seeing my nephews running around with the other children.

Little Curious George was shy at first but soon got the idea for going from trunk to trunk and get to pick a piece of candy and go to the next. It was a nice and warm. He was sure to ride each and every trick that was parked in the front lawn. Also for this event many of the children that I have taught dance too were in attendance so I knew more there then I thought I would, which was enjoyable.

After playing little games we went to the parking lot and taught the concept of saying trick or treat and getting a piece of candy, followed by a thank you and going to the next car. He pick up on it pretty quick as well but it was cooler so we were done much sooner.

Being given the invite from my family and dear friends and then welcomed by the church members, was truly a TREAT for me and I will remember both these evening fondly and gratefully!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Failed. Then Learned.

I mainly teach the younger children but a few weeks ago I was asked to sub for an older class. The teenagers. I was a bit nervous about this and excited to get the experience. I looked through the resources I had and talked to a few others teachers. I was as prepared as I could be so all that was left was the execution of my preparations. I showed up and the first three fourths of the class went really well, for the creative portion my idea/plans failed. They were good sports about what I was asking them to do however I could tell they were not being challenged and learning what they would like. I was open with them and let them know that I had not had very much practice teaching their age. They were kind and we talked about what we could do with I had to give them the learning experience they wanted. They could have taken advantage of me but they did not they taught me and what started out as a failure turned into a great learning experience for me.

I am learning that I need to prepare and try my hardest yet be ready to learn and grown at any time especially when my pride has been hurt a bit, when I’ve made a mistake there are almost always lessons to be learned. We just need to be willing to learn them. Funny thing about this day was I was wearing my “Epic Fail” t-shirt. We can and probably should have epic fails and turn them into “Epic Learns”.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Operation Bedtime

My friend and her husband wanted to go out for the night on a well deserved date. Their little boy had never been put to bed by someone else up to this point. I accepted the challenge. Before they left they taught be the bedtime routine of reading a fun book then a Book of Mormon story out of the children’s version. Then it was tucked into bed followed by a couple of bedtime songs. A “good night” and then a walk out of room leaving door open a crack , easy. Well, I knew better than that. I have done this before children like to test babysitter and see what they can get away with let alone when it is the first time mom and dad are not putting them to bed. Changes make children worried, they don’t understand why there must be a change and as we as adults know that we don’t even like change this was a big one for my little adopted nephew. I have found that the best way to approach this is firm yet with patience and love. How do you do this well it is easier said then done. We went through the routine and all was sweet and good.  I walked out and he was quiet for a few minutes and I was shocked that he actually did it for me. Yet it was not long till I started hearing whimpering I patiently waited to see if  he would fall asleep after a little while. This was not the case  pretty soon this little boy was calling out my name. It was so sweet that it was hard to ignore I managed it for a bit till his calling of my name became more distressed I went in there and comforted him and talked to him a bit about the fact that he was going to go to bed and mom and dad would be back and come give him a kiss after he was asleep. He calmed right down and I thought we were good to go. Turned out he did best and would lay down and rest if he knew I was in the room so I stayed in the room almost falling a sleep in the rocking chair at one point till he was worried I was not there anymore so I went to his crib and put my hand through the bars and rested it on the bed next to him. This helped him more than anything else. I felt so much love from him as his little fingers stroked my hand.

I understand this is not a realistic approach for every  bedtime routine it was simply the right course of action at this moment with this little boy. Since then bedtime with me have been super smooth, with love and trust in our interactions. Like I have learned so many times from my BYU-Idaho classes, you must treat an average child like this (fill in the blank) when this is taking place (fill in the blank). Yet at the end of almost every lecture the professor would say but each child is different and so you must follow the Spirit.   

Thursday, October 9, 2014

“I Help”

A few Saturdays ago I was itching to get out in the yard and do some good old fashion work. Knowing my brother and his family would be doing just that I volunteered some of my time. I tackled the mowing of the lawn, while my two older nephews played in the lawn and porch. Pretty soon they had lost interest in their many activities  they were moving between.  First the youngest came up to me so I stopped the lawnmower so I would hear him and keep him safe. “I help?” he asked me. Well if you have not guessed already I have a very hard time refusing cute little children and helping was not such a bad idea; that is what you want your children to say anyway. I could not refuse his goodness. Thinking it through quickly I put one of his little hands in each one of my back pockets of the jeans I was wearing and instructed him to help me push. I started up the lawn mower again and off we went the corners were the trickiest because I have a little body behind me I could not just whip around the corners and head back the other way so they turned into careful 3 point turns. After a few lengths of the lawn his older brother could not be left out so he came up wanting to help as well.  I put him in front of me and instructed him to push as well. I wish I had a picture of this moment. A moment when two little boys wanted to help. It did make it harder for me but now they have helped.

After a little time the oldest figured it must be more fun pushing from behind so he needed his turn. So we switched places. Now the younger and shorter of the two was holding up by my hands his feet on the ground from time to time but most of the time he tip toed or hung from his hands, while big brother had his turn in back. Naturally this way did not last long. Soon they were done helping me with the lawn and moved on but how sweet these boys were in wanting to help.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Hopper Distracts

I was on my second hour of classes in the studio, this was my oldest class so I was naturally looking forward to not needing to work as hard at keeping their attention as I do in the younger classes. This is the case most of the time but sometimes things just don’t work out the way they should right?! I started class as normal and as one of my dancers went by one of the many windows.  A cry went out “Miss Camilla … there’s a grasshopper!”, with that out hopped any order. I acknowledged it and moved on, in hopes that they would be able to follow my lead. We were able to limp through the next 10 minutes or so until I realized that they could not do anything until little Hopper was gone no matter how I tried to reason with them that he was just going to stay in the window and that he was more afraid of us them we were of him and other such tactics. That little grasshopper sat in the window seal only pacing back and forth. However he might as well been hopping around the classroom hopping on heads, floor, mirror etc. that would in fact make for a funnier story! I therefore located a box and with some difficulty I was able to trap Hopper in the box while the girls watched from a distance and then one girl volunteered to take him out.  Out went Hopper and back came our attention span.

A Mommy Moment? Yes, it was a learning moment for me that there are times that your plans need to be set aside, those future plans and focus on the present. The needs that need to be addressed otherwise further movement forward comes to a stand still.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Forgotten Worries

Classes started last month. In my little boys class of boys between the ages of 5 and 7, they stay in my class each year until they turn 8 so I naturally have repeating boys which is a lot of fun to work with them from year to year. It was the first day of class is always new and exciting well two brothers showed up that were going to take the class together and then one of by repeat boys from last year. As he came in he was I could tell as he look around at the new boys and myself  and started to get more and more worried he came and sat by me instead of doing tag with the other boys - boys play tag to get there school jitters out before class and while we are waiting for the others to come. I tried to help him be excited about tag or anything really.  As I talked to him his countenance fell more and more. Pretty soon he was full on crying; hands over face just weeping. Crying takes place in my 3 and 4 year old classes, yet I was not prepared for this boy to start. I became concerned not knowing what to do or say. I needed to find out the purpose of the tears so I started to talk to him, so I might better understand. I learned that he thought he was not good enough to move on and have a different teacher. I quickly started to explain to him that you  stay in my class to the age of 8 and that he was not the only one to stay in this class I told him of the other boy that was in the class last year.  I could tell that this was helping but still something was bothering him or the same thing.  I asked him again what was wrong and he told me that he forgotten how to dance over the summer. I assured him that he had not but he would not hear of it and then one of those moments when the heavens opened and inspiration came to me. These are simple and wonderful moments when I am able to help a child in this case bring him comfort to his worried heart.  I started listing things off to him in the form of questions. “Do you remember how to run?” looking at me with of course eyes he said, “Yes!”. I continued,
“Do you remember how to jump?”
“Do you remember how to walk?”
“Do you remember how to spin?”
“Do you remember how to roll?”
“Do you remember how to gallop?”
“Do you remember how to take turns with your knees in a skip?”
“YES!” Each yes he became brighter and happier.
“See, you remember how to dance!”

At the end of this conversation two boys from his class had shown up so he hopped up and joined them in the game of tag. He was so worried that he was not good enough dancer that it brought him to tears and gave me the chance to have a moment in which I could better understand him and feel God’s love for him. I was able to feel it and hopefully pass it on to him.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

“Look Out Ladies”

Last year in one of my 3 year old classes I had a little boy that was one of a kind. He was always making me and the other teacher smile or even laugh by what he said. Like most little 3 year old boys when given the choice to do their favorite dancing way he took off running at full speed. The choice was given on this day and so without hesitation of he rocketed. For one reason or another all the girls were grouped together on a area of the dance floor doing twirls or skips or whatever they were doing I don’t remember anymore. This little boys was running a large circle around the room as he came to the group of girls he yelled, “Look out ladies!!!” Me and the other teach looked at each other to confirm that we truly saw what just took place. We tried our best not to laugh too loud. We could not hold back our smiles for the rest of class and told his mother about it and we all laughed together again. Still to this day when I think of this story I can not help but smile at my self or even laugh. Thinking about this story I did not think it was a Mommy Moment, however he brought me laughter and joy; that is a wonderful moment. One the funnest things about this little boy and his words is I think there they will be very true as he grows up… “Look out Ladies”

Friday, September 12, 2014

Ouch Kisses!

My nephews enjoy kisses when they get hurt. At times even a blown kiss would help them with their minor bumps and scrapes.  After a fall, or some other such mishaps, they would look to one of the adults in the room and one of us would go and give a kiss or blow one depending on the circumstances. 95% of the time they would bounce back up and keep playing. On this one occasion I was playing on the floor with my second nephew he suddenly stopped what he was doing and said “Ouch!” and pointed to his knee. I kissed it better and looked to him for confirmation that all was better now. I did not see what had caused the pain yet kisses are cheap and I was willing to give him one for his comfort. Upon my inspection his little eyes did not show his usual assurance instead he pointed to his other knee saying “Ouch”, I kissed the other knee at which point he pointed to his elbow saying “Ouch”, again, once again I kissed where he pointed. He continued pointing to almost every part of his body saying “Ouch”, followed by a kiss from me. We repeated this until he was done. Having completed what he needed he went on playing as before. I am not exactly sure what was taking place in this sweet little boys head, yet if I had to guess I would say that at that moment for some  reason or another he needed more reassurance of me or from me that I loved him or maybe he just need that affectionate physical touch. That we all needed at times, even as adults.  

Monday, September 8, 2014

Time Stands Still

There was a short time a few years back that I was running a small family preschool/daycare. In a small family business so moms could do a little work to supplement their income. I would watch and teach their children for a few hours. A child of any age was welcome. I truly enjoyed this time with this family and their children. There was a baby in the preschool with me and she was getting very tired, I knew it was time to see if she would go down for a nap. Having settled the other children down, they did not need my full attention I turn to this baby wrapping her in her blanket with her pacifier. I started to rocker her while walking through the room after some time she had indeed fallen asleep.  The other children were quietly playing together and as I looked down as the small child in my arms time stood still and feelings of peace and joy coming to me. My thoughts began to turn to my future and I realized that this was a moment that I would love to have with my own future family. One of those idyllic moments when all is well, a heaven on earth moment. At the time how ever I did not recognize it for what it was, I merely saw it as a sad thing that this was not really my own family around me. A sadness and questions about why it was that I was still single, when I had all the right desires. To say the least it was a bittersweet moment, yet for a long time I focused only on the bitter.

Looking back on it now I understand the purpose to this moment, much better. This was one of my earliest Mommy Moments.  A gift from my Father in Heaven to experience one of those powerful joy filled fleeting moments I guess other mothers feel at times. Moments when you are rewarded as a mother for all the hard work that you put into the raising of children all feels perfect - complete and happy - even able to glimpse the eternities and the promised blessings for just a moment.  Then all goes back to normal, yet we must hold on to those fleeting moments and treasure them in our hearts and ponder on them. Like that of Mary of old, in the Bible,”But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart” Luke 2:19.

Friday, September 5, 2014


Over the summer I taught a little girl that gave me a little surprise. Just a reminder that children will always be there to teach and surprise us. Even when you think we've got them all figured out.  With that introduction this is what took place.

She came to class dressed with a shirt and skirt, I did not give this much thought until we went into circle time. The technique part of class where we work on fine motor skills and  strength. For a good portion on this we are sitting on the floor. After some time I noticed that she was not following along, just sitting there with her legs tightly closed. I went and talked to her and soon discovered that she was worried about showing her panties to the class which I thought was mature of her at her age; most girls 3 or 4 years don’t even think about this. So after class I talked to her parents about putting little shorts or leggings on her so she would feel comfortable doing the class. The next week she came into class and she was wearing pants under her skirt so I thought all was well. However  circle time came again and the same thing took place she sat there with her legs closely pressed together. Once again I went and quietly talked to her about what she was feeling. She still felt uncomfortable, so I showed her the other  girls in the class and how they were wearing something under their skirts and how they were all covered up and still could dance and have fun. This did the trick she then was able to participate and she really started to enjoy herself. Through her comfort and enjoyment her abilities in dance grew over the remainder of the classes.

Monday, September 1, 2014

In His Daddy’s Shoes

I was visiting a dear friend of mine the other day she has a little boy almost 2 years old. While I was there he went over to the entry way where all the shoes had been placed upon entrance. This little boy proceeded to step into his Daddy’s shoes, which in and of itself look very cute and got some sighs out of myself and his Mom. However he didn’t stop here, he squatted down and with great concentration he began to play with the laces on the shoes. He had such a face full of concentration and determination to learn. It simply made my heart brim with pride for how smart this little boy is and going to be.  Yeah I had only  met him that day yet having the close relationship with my friend I guess helped me feel proud for her and the way she was raising her son. I am grateful for that chance.

For children playing is there way of learning this little boy was such a perfect example he was playing with his Daddy’s shoes yet you could literally see the knowledge he was learning moving into his head.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Little Knight Out

On a certain Friday night. I went on a little date with a little knight. I picked him up after work. We shared a “Happy Meal” and let our inner child out by playing in a magical place of plastic. He impressed me with his agility by climbing up a course, strength by swinging on poles and critical thinking as he figured out how to operate a magical keyboard. From there we went over to my friends house and my little knight saved the day by helping me wash my car. Soaking the whole thing and managed to get soaked as well. Yet he didn’t stop there the evening could not be complete if he were the only one soaked so he shared the wealth with me and my friend.  He was super sweet the whole evening holding my hand and with a mighty effort tried to open the door for me, showing me that indeed chivalry is not dead; just in practice. We drove off into the sunset and I got him home just a little past his curfew.

Taking the time to have one on one time with my nephew was a blast and very worth it. I need to do this more and with my other nephews. It helps me get to know just him and how he interact with me by himself without his brothers. So here is a challenge to you and me: find a child to have an adventure with weather its a princess in a castle or a knight showing off his might. You just might have some fun too!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Words Fail...Hug!

Through my time teaching there is one little girl that I have worked with through many different interactions. She has developmental challenges, she was born with. The details of which I don't know. I simply understood that she needed extra help. I and the other teachers that worked with her had to help her constantly with the most basic of instructions, sit, stand, be still and so on. Working with her was a lot of hard work and patience on everyone's part, not excluding the dancer’s work as well. She would wander off in the middle of just about anything we would be doing in class in her own little world. The best way to bring her back to what the class was doing would be to allow her to complete what ever task she had in mind to do. For example touching a spot on the wall or floor. Once complete she would willingly follow you back to the class. I tried to always be loving and patient with her and help her learn what she could. After that year of working with her she moved on to other classes. Now and then I would sub for her class and then one year I taught the class before her’s. Every time I saw her she would get so excited to see me she would wave her arms around and make happy noises with a large bright smile on her face. I would give her a hug. In fact it became one of her missions to give me a hug almost each week before she would participate in her own class.  There was so much love in those hugs, the best way she knew how to communicate. Whenever I see her and she recognizes me I get one of those hugs. They make my day and I look forward to them.

She seemed to learn a little more dance after teaching her that first year and I am sure the other teachers could say the same in the following years. She learned to love to dance which in the end is one gift I truly wish to give any child willing to receive it no matter how good they become. However I feel as though I have learn and been given more from her. That being able to see her example of love and goodness to another soul and being a recipient of it.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Blue Eyes to Hold the World

This summer my nephews took swimming lessons, the two older boys had lessons at the same time and their Mom need to be with the one year old.  Leaving me to watch the baby for the half hour the lesson took.  During these times it may have appeared that I was having a one sided conversation with a baby, my youngest nephew.  If I was lucky I could get a chooo out of him, most of the time however it was simply his big eyes taking in as much of the world around him as he could manage.  This seems to be the truth of many infants. They don’t have much to say or rather they can’t say anything but if they did, oh the things they could teach us. They see and listen to all around them. His big blue eyes trying to see it all not satisfied with laying down in one spot but having me walk around holding him upright for the purpose of better seeing. Learning all he could through his eyes. If only I could see what it was that he was seeing then I too could hold the whole world in my eyes.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Mishap’s Creation

On this particular day I was working as a teacher's assistant, when you have a class of 13 or 14 students the ages of 3 or 4 years, you need another pair of hands. On this day was proof of this, if not a more extreme example.  As normal it started out as a normal day. There was a little boy in this class, running around with great speed when he suddenly crashed into a little girl. Whenever there is a crash there is a moment where both we teachers hold our breath to see what the outcome will be so we could react appropriately and not make it worse by worrying the children involved. In this case there was blood and quite a bit of it! Knowing my role and that all those little girls would not react well to the blood.  I scooped this little boy up into my arms, taking him to the restroom. The injury was not bad just a bloody nose, with a lot of blood. I cleaned him up and calmed him down hugging and comforting him. His mother was off for a quick trip to get chores done without her child. I was greatly blessed to have this chance to comfort him and he taught me well how to comfort him. I am grateful to be able to comfort a child in need and thereby receive his or her love back in return. After that day this little boy and I had a special bond.  There are times in every ones lives when something we really rather not happen takes place and out of it comes great blessings. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

One BIG Mommy Moment

A couple years back I was asked to be a Nanny for a weeklong period of time. The parents were going to go on a trip. The children were all old enough to be as school so I was able to work or get things done during the school day. I was with the children when they were out of school. I did everything from sleeping there; driving them around to their various activities, to helping them get their homework done. Any and all of those little jobs that are encompassed in the being a parent category I fulfilled. For a week I worked with them, played with them, comforted them and encouraged them. It was fun to load up all the children and take them to their activities and then pick them up and hear about all the goings ons of that particular activity. There were adventures to be found when I would make their meals and I would not do it the way they thought I should and or surprise them with my different ideas, I introduced to them. There was a time when the son forgot his homework at home and he called me up and I brought it to him, followed by his gratitude. There were many other events that took place that if I had written them down sooner I would remember them better. However what I walked away with after that week, with these children, was most precious. I drove home that Saturday and the following days there was a definite hole in my life. I missed them! Of course there were things I didn’t miss that are not so glamorous when working with children day in and day out. Yet, those are shadows and really only made the sweet things even sweeter. I developed a love for those children and they for me. Of course they were glad to see their parents after the week but even to this day when I see one of them around their eyes light up and a smile warms their face, followed by my heart. They no longer need me they are old high school students and beyond at this point but they shared with me their family and their love this I will always remember the time they shared with me their home!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Just a Quick Trip!?

I was going to have my two nephews for the evening I however also had a  activity that I  had a small role to play in, so I agree to watch the boys if I could take them with me, and then their parents would pick the boys up at the activity when they were done.  So all I need to do now was get the boys in the car with their car seats, print something off at the library and then get to the activity.  Easy right!? Well once I got each car seat in the car with the appropriate child in each car seat I knew I was pushing my time. Now to the library. We got there and I was tempted to just run in side. (Not that I would ever actually leave them in the car it was just a temptation.)  Besides I knew they would have fun looking at the displays and helping me print so in we went all three of us.  We got in and printed my papers off and then back to the car. I was getting quite tired. Children take a lot of energy. I did get to the activity we were making t-shirts with colored t-shirts and bleach. I got there with the boys and they were loved and played with and they had a great time. This is a Mommy Moment for me as many of you can understand that simple tasks simply are not that simple with children. They are dear boys and we have many fun times together this was just my first attempt at living my life as it were with children.  I made the t-shirt with the words “I (Heart) MY Nephews”  so now everytime I wear it I think of this fun adventure we had together.